Updated: Jul 22, 2023 Published Mar 3, 2015
I *think* this is where I've decided to do my RN-BSN. Anybody out there who has done this/is doing this program? Pros? Cons? Thanks!
Ndoht, BSN, RN
88 Posts
Thank you so much for all your replies! What were the frequencies of the papers, discussion boards, and tests on a weekly basis?
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,311 Posts
There weren't many tests. Discussion forums were usually weekly. The assignments were about 3-4/semester. Not a ton of papers but some multi media, group projects. The only class that I struggled with was the Spanish.
It was a good pace but just make sure you stay on top of things, it goes by fast!
I have been looking lately at going back to get my DNP there.
Thanks a lot! After reading your posts, I'm seriously considering about applying to UNCW's program! I wish you great luck in pursuing your DNP!