UNC Charlotte CRNA Fall 2019

Nursing Students SRNA


Hi everyone!

My name is Katherine and I am a Medical/Surgical intensive care nurse applying to UNC Charlottes CRNA program this Fall, 2019. I just wanted to start a forum for all who are applying. I'm sure we will have lots of questions when applications start getting reviewed.

Hi Katherinerrn

I will also be applying there to UNC. Have not totally finished the application process, but will soon. Recently finished the interview process at Arkansas and waiting to hear from results. Also throwing in an application for Barry in Florida. Trying to cover all my bases and the kitchen sink. Best of luck, RAN.

Awesome. Have you started the UNCC Application? Best of luck with your other apps!

I finished my app for UNCC a week ago. One of four that I applied to this year. Hope all goes well for everyone!

Good luck! @seattlestpete What other schools are you applying to?

Hey everyone, I decided I would join the thread. I have applied to UNCC/CMC for Fall 2019 about a few weeks ago now. I am just waiting for applications to be reviewed now and waiting to see if I am extended an opportunity to interview. I wish everyone the best of luck!

That's awesome! Good luck with applying. Would anyone mind sharing their stats? I'm curious due to my GRE score being mediocre at best.

Hi Katherine! Thank you for starting the group :) I am a Sep 10 pool applicant for Fall 2019 as well. My name is Nicole, I'm from Austin. I work in a very diverse, mixed trauma/surgical ICU (cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, neurosurgery, traumas right and left + their handful of surgeries, CRRT, IABP/impella, rotoprone, your everyday sepsis, ARDS, and DKA.... basically we don't do ECMO, transplants, or kiddos).

Ok yall, I'm nosy, but I'm also honest! I like to know, so I'll be brave and throw it out there...my stats are:

GPA: 3.59 (ouch, feel like this may be my weakness)

Science GPA: 3.73, also currently 3/4 through biochem with an A so that # will increase in a few weeks

GRE: 152 verbal, 156 quantitative, 4.5 writing

ICU years: 1.25, will be 2.25 at the time class starts if I'm accepted


Extracurricular: I teach BSN clinicals for the #1 scoring nursing program in Texas, also happens to be my alma mater :) I'm an ICU unit-based council member, was selected to my facility's Nursing Peer Review committee, am on our Code Review Team, I'm a preceptor, and 30 hours CRNA shadowing so far.

My stats as of now>>>

GRE - 320 combined, 157 analytical, 163 verbal

Undergrad GPA - 3.8

Science - 3.99

2 years experience in SICU

40 hrs. shadowing

I haven't heard anything back yet from the school, other than sending in the GPA calculator spreadsheet.

Post when you guys hear back about interviews!

Good luck everyone

Hey all. My application is in. Just waiting to hear back!

I work in a MICU at a level 1 trauma center, about 15 months experience.

GRE: 306, writing 5.5

GPA: 3.93

Science GPA: 4.0


About 40 hours shadowing experience.

Board position on a committee as well as a lot of volunteer work in my community.


Good luck to everyone!

Has anyone heard anything about interviews yet?

Haven't heard anything, but I think last year they sent emails out about interviews the first week of October. So I'm hopeful to hear something this week.

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