UMSON BSN Spring 2014

U.S.A. Maryland


Hi everyone! I created the BSN Fall 2013 topic, but I couldn't apply at that time due to family issues. So now I'm applying for Spring 2014! Anyone else applying? :]

Oct 31 by Chelsea13

Crossing my fingers that some of us become students at UMSON tomorrow!!!

For sure? I don't think I can sleep this night. Did you talk to the admissions,or are you guessing like me based on the previous Spring semester? Any way, we have left 7 to 8 hours to find out. I'm writing this to breath. Good luck to every one!!!

Nsmu, if you scroll up a bit I was basing that off the same thing you were!

Does anyone know the order they call? Is it by last name or random? I think I don't have any nails left LOL!!

They don't have a specific order they call from other forums I've read up on.

I've been waiting so long for Nov 1 to come!!!

Hi Gray Lady,

Would you please tell me if wait listed applicants hear back first or not. Is there any special consideration for wait listed applicants? I want to know since I was wait listed for Fall 2013. Thank you.

I am not sure what you mean by special consideration. I believe that first there is a status change from Committee Ready to either Admit Institution or Provisional Admit for all accepted students. Phone calls to accepted students start around then and it takes days to get through to everyone. Then the Wait List students, then the Rejected applicants. That is how it has been done but that doesn't mean it will not change for this round. Official letters will also be mailed to accepted student but you will find out first by watching your status change.

Not to state the obvious word yet anyone?!?! I'm still at Committee Ready. This is really exciting, I can't focus on my current courses!!

Nothing yet. I've been waiting to see if anything has changed yet. Or if anyone got updated yet. Best of luck!

Nothing yet, this wait is agonizing!!! I'm checking my application status every hour ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

I keep checking every hour, too. I almost called the admissions office, but I stopped myself. You think they would have an idea of when the round of acceptances will go out? If admissions were based on how many times we checked our status online then we are all in!! Maybe they are still adding up all of the logins and that's what is taking so long. I know that I alone have at least 1000! Lol.

Omg!!! Go see for yourself!!! They changed the Accepted Students page. It now says "Congratulations on your acceptance into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for the SPRING 2014 semester"!!!!

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