UMN Entry Level MN Interviews?

U.S.A. Minnesota


Have interview emails gone out for UMN? I applied in January, and the email said that those candidates granted interviews will find out in "early March." I haven't heard, so I'm thinking I didn't make it.

Has anyone heard? The instructions on the ap say that they notify either way, but the email made it seem like they don't email you if you didn't get an interview. I'm planning on emailing Friday to make sure.



My interviewer basically stuck to the questions that were given to her. She didn't ask much about my application material.

Okay that makes me feel better. I'm used to applying for jobs, I guess, where you get a lot of feedback from the interviewer. I also haven't been interviewed by only one person for a while. Oh well, hopefully we hear soon! They said roughly one week from end of interviews, right? So probably week after next (or super optimistically, next Friday)?

Yeah, the email said late-March so hopefully next week sometime!!

How'd everyone else do?? Can you believe it's almost time to find out?!

Sometimes I think I did OK and sometimes I think I totally bombed. I can't stop obsessing over it! There are some things I wish I had said but was too nervous to think of at the time. I don't know. I'm overthinking it, going over it again and again and again in my mind.

Aww, midlifemom, I'm sure you did okay. That's basically how I feel though: Sometimes, I think it was horrible and I will NEVER get in, and sometimes I feel good about my answers and just feel like the whole experience was kind of weird. At least we'll be out of our misery soon!

Anybody heard anything?

Not yet, you? I'm going crazy!!

Nope same here!! Looks like an another weekend of waiting...

At least I can stop checking my email every 5 minutes for a couple days. ;)

Hello, has anyone gotten an email yet?

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