Published Nov 21, 2015
13 Posts
Hello nursing students and professionals,
Reading many of these comments and threads has been both encouraging and enlightening.
I figured I'd join the ranks at last and get some needed advice..
I'm applying to the acute care GEP DNP program at UMass Worcester with:
3.3 GPA undergrad BA
3.0 GPA science post-bacc classes at decent schools
GRE: (not great :/ ) 303 + essays hopefully did well since I worked as an editor's assistant and late correspondent for newspapers 2012-14.
Current work:
cardiac ICU as a PCA
mental health counselor on adult psychiatric unit (moonlight job)
freelance artist/photographer/writer (per commission)
Volunteer experience in:
ER in NH, 2014
Psych in MA, 2013
Kid's church camp in MA, 2012
Port-au-Prince, clinic, Haiti, 2010
I applied last week. Is it generally in January people hear back?
If I don't get in, my boss suggested Accelerated BSN at UMass Amherst, good local choice?
If I do get in, how can I maximize success here?
Thank you all in advance!
164 Posts
Hello CreateHealing, Im just commenting here to receive notifications as this is a path im willing to take after I become an RN. I also have a BA and im actually an LPN at the moment. But I will be going for the pregraduate option to DNP (3yrs) for RNs with non nursing Bachelors.... please keep us posted of the application process :)
I definitely will! and thanks! --Good luck!!
42 Posts
You have a great shot and welcome to the profession. BSN backups are a great easy option, umass Amherst is awesome, check out umass Boston, and lastly mgh institute of health professions, mgh is costly but an excellent program.
Thank you Catamonts! Would you recommend more volunteer experience in different types of units in hospitals or do you think working in cardiac and psych is enough experience? Thanks in advance! Do you mind my asking what your nursing school experience was like? Do you have any advice?
Hi Vitiana!
Just wanted to let you know I was accepted into the program and I start in August!
I'm so thrilled and thankful.. divine providence I think!