UM NP program Spring 2019

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello everyone, starting a thread for the incoming MSN/DNP nurse practitioner track at the University of Miami for the Spring 2019

Congratulations to you all

Congrats!!!!!! I'm still waiting

Thank you!!! they send out acceptances randomly so keep checking, I believe as they receive names they just send them out, best wishes and luck!!

Hey guys! My interview is this Friday and at first I was so super duper excited but now I'm a nervous reck! I feel like the answers to the questions I looked up are long winded and terrible. Can some of you that interviewed and got in share some of the questions you got and the answers you gave? I'm freaking out which has me frozen in what to say or how to answer any question. Help me out pretty please

Just Curious to know when classes will be for the FNP Part Time- like what day of the week and time ?

They will ask questions based on the floor you work at, for example I work in a post op floor so they asked me a question on post op hip replacement, honestly they don't kill you, very straight forward questions they ask, they are all nice ! You'll do great! You are amazing!

Really? No personal questions? No tell me about yourself? No, what are your strengths and weaknesses? No why you picked your speciality? Oh , well now I'm more nervous. Did they ask you the role of a NP? I was told to make sure I know that! How was the parking situation, how did you go about parking?

Thank you love! So sweet of you!

Hey guys! My interview is this Friday and at first I was so super duper excited but now I'm a nervous reck! I feel like the answers to the questions I looked up are long winded and terrible. Can some of you that interviewed and got in share some of the questions you got and the answers you gave? I'm freaking out which has me frozen in what to say or how to answer any question. Help me out pretty please

Questions asked are: Why UM? What is the role of the NP? What are strengths and weaknesses, a patho question, and I mean they did ask me tell me about yourself but literally I told them 30 seconds about me, they interview you so fast! I was literally in an out in 8 minutes ! Keep eye contact and smile ! They love that!

Honestly I parked right infront of the nursing building and I didn't pay anything lmao I was bueno si me dan un ticket give it to me because this is ridiculous to pay for 10 minutes lmao so I didn't pay, when I walked out I prayed I didn't have a ticket and lucky me I didn't lmao !

Lol! Ok! For 10 mins! Well I went to visit the sims hospital and I parked all the way in the back and prayed and no ticket. I might do that again.

Ok eye contact and my million dollar smile lol. Thanks girl!

Honestly I parked right infront of the nursing building and I didn't pay anything lmao I was bueno si me dan un ticket give it to me because this is ridiculous to pay for 10 minutes lmao so I didn't pay, when I walked out I prayed I didn't have a ticket and lucky me I didn't lmao !

You've got this !!! Nothing but positive vibes to ya! Much luck and blessings! Tell me how it goes ! :)

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