Published Sep 6, 2015
3 Posts
Need some input from all you UM and CM nurses
I currently working in UM for an insurance co and have been offered 2 great opportunities First offer is for another UM position with another insurance co - longer commute but more money and better benefits. The other is for an inpatient hospital CM position that is closer to home and offers an opportunity to experience this side of nursing.
I really enjoy doing UM and I love the m-f/no weekends/no holidays but I'm wondering if I should try out hospital CM since the opportunity is there. im not sure if I want to trade something I know I like for the unknown.
Has anyone made the switch from on to the other or have an opinion on which one will provide the best opportunities?
what other doors does CM open for you besides other CM positions?
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
OP: I know a nurse that worked as a CM in the hospital setting for many years (decades) then transitioned to insurance for the same hospital (a provider group) then returned to the hospital setting.... All the changes she made was because one job started to get bad due to management so she accepted the other opportunity until it was no longer any good. So, I cannot really answer if you will like the change. To be honest, if you like your current job I would stick with it until the day comes you no longer care to go to work any more. The reason being, the grass is not greener on the other side. On the other hand, if you wish to make the change for work-life balance or some other noble reason, do so, but know you may be giving up something in order to make the change to include liking your job.
Is it possible to keep your current job Per Diem? Maybe that is a better way to go?
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
To Hades with the commute.You can work from home.