Nursing Students School Programs


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I am applying for the UCLA APRN/ MSN for Fall 2019. I am applying for the FNP program. I decided to create this discussion page as an avenue for other applicants to share their application process and also to serve as an update ask.

Wishing you all the best with the application process.

@Ayo RN BSN Oh, I see! Is that the undergrad research requirement (N173) or the research course that we have an option to take in the summer (N204)?

On 3/15/2019 at 10:41 PM, Sherrylin22 said:

Thanks girl!!!

Did you apply for the FNP specialty or adult? How was your stat and experience?

I’m just tryna figure out why I didn’t make it

For sure! Send me an e-mail at ****************** and I'll send you some details.

4 hours ago, xanbella said:

@Ayo RN BSN Oh, I see! Is that the undergrad research requirement (N173) or the research course that we have an option to take in the summer (N204)?

Yeah it is the N204 research course.

@Ayo RN BSN Oh ok cool! So are you going to take an elective for the fall instead? Sorry, so many questions! Lol I just thought about enrolling in the summer research course as well but then I’d be short units for the fall quarter... Wasn’t super sure on which elective I’d want to take.

*side note* if anyone who got admitted is looking for a place to stay near the area, I’m on the hunt as well. Tag me if interested!

14 hours ago, xanbella said:

@Ayo RN BSN Oh ok cool! So are you going to take an elective for the fall instead? Sorry, so many questions! Lol I just thought about enrolling in the summer research course as well but then I’d be short units for the fall quarter... Wasn’t super sure on which elective I’d want to take.

*side note* if anyone who got admitted is looking for a place to stay near the area, I’m on the hunt as well. Tag me if interested!

No worry about the questions,I am glad to reply them all..I am still contemplating taking the nursing research this summer but I could end up taking it in the fall as well.

Just a quick reminder to everyone who might have not done so...

Tomorrow is the last day to submit the Summer enrollment Survey.

Also of note: if you wish to take Nursing Research in the Summer but are afraid it would be too much with Physiology and Physical Assessment, you can take Physio online with UCLA Extension beginning in April instead. It's Physio 452.6, I believe.

@pushing_daisies Thanks also for that information.

Also for anyone who needs to know You can also take the class at UCSD extension as well, it is slightly cheaper than UCLA extension. It is $675 and the course is Introduction to Human Physiology BIOL 40151.

Hey all! I got into the program as well!

Acute Care/Adult Gero here!

I would love to join a Facebook page if someone is willing to make one.

I’ll be taking the physical assessment class in the summer. Possibly the research class. But we shall see.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


jordan p

Correct me if I'm wrong but if you take the research course in the summer, you'd have to take an elective in the fall because we need to have a minimum of 12 units each quarter. For those who are taking that route, how are you planning on which elective to take?

Not sure which class. I’ve been debating taking it in the summer just to get it out of the way. I haven’t decided on it quite yet. I might just take it in the fall. What cohort are you in.? ?

@jordan808 FNP. I was just wondering if some people knew something I didn’t lol I saw some of the electives and was wondering how people might be considering which one to take to stay full time for the fall quarter.

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