Published Apr 20, 2017
16 Posts
I am so nervous waiting until May 31stish to get a letter. Is there anyone else on here apply to UAB for fall 2017 BSN??
If you're not applying but have heard of or been through the program could you give me any advice??
thanks so much
1 Post
I'm applying for the fall!
2 Posts
I applied for the fall also. Best of luck to you!
Have y'all heard anything back?? Do you know exactly when we should hear something back? I wonder how many applied... if y'all don't mind me asking how do y'all feel about your application based on gpa, essay and resume??
14 Posts
I haven't heard from UAB either, but from what I've heard and read I would think maybe May 31st? I heard Fall semester is very competitive because the Deans Nursing scholars get automatic admission if they maintain a certain GPA. I feel like my application was strong but I'm still extremely nervous. My resume is probably weakest because I didn't get to go to the writing center workshop they hosted back in April.... But I have a lot of healthcare experience and a very high GPA so maybe that will help. How do you feel about your application? And good luck!!
Anyone received their letter yet? I called earlier this week and they're going out this and next week!!
Did you mean to say this week and next week? I know one girl who revieved a rejection letter yesterday Saturday June 4th. I havent gotten anything yet myself.
Yeah, sorry that's what I meant. I have read they send out the letters by last name alphabetically, but not sure how much truth there is to that. I still haven't gotten anything either. I'm just ready to know one way or the other!
Mine last name starts with a B and this girls was with a C. So I don't know if that's true. I'm so ready to hear back. I hope we do this week!! I wish you the best of luck :)
Also does your blazernet account still say "pre-nursing" as your major or has it changed? I'm wondering if it changes if you are accepted. Mine still says pre-nursing
Hopefully they don't send out rejection letters after the acceptance letters. I've been making myself sick with anxiety!! And my blazernet still says pre-nursing as well. Fingers crossed that we hear something very soon! Best of luck to you too!! :)
4 Posts
sorry I am new to this thread but I know of two people who have gotten rejection letters so far.