U of T Nursing - Class of 2017

World Canada CA Programs


Thought I'd start a thread for all of us starting our BScN at U of T in Sept. :up:

To start, anyone else moving to Toronto from out of town?!

I will also be moving from Waterloo. Have you had the chance to look at any apartments?

Great to see all the Waterloo people! I'm coming from Waterloo myself. If anyone needs any advice regarding apartments, good areas to look, etc, feel free to ask- I did my undergrad at U of T.

I accepted my offer from U of T last week!

A past colleague of mine started the program last September and has given me a little run down on what the program is like and how busy it is so even though I live in etobicoke I will most likely be moving downtown to be closer to campus.

Very excited to meet everyone!!

Great to see all the Waterloo people! I'm coming from Waterloo myself. If anyone needs any advice regarding apartments, good areas to look, etc, feel free to ask- I did my undergrad at U of T.

Oh perfect, thank you! I need a lot of help in this department, i don't even know where to start. Do you know somewhere where i could look for reasonably priced apartments to share with fellow u of t students for approximately 600-700$ in a good area that is close to the st george campus? I would also like to live with all females, I'm not even sure where to start looking. Any advice helps!

Oh perfect, thank you! I need a lot of help in this department, i don't even know where to start. Do you know somewhere where i could look for reasonably priced apartments to share with fellow u of t students for approximately 600-700$ in a good area that is close to the st george campus? I would also like to live with all females, I'm not even sure where to start looking. Any advice helps!

A lot of my friends had good luck finding places in the Annex (north of Bloor, approximately between Bathurst and Avenue), Chinatown (South of College around Spadina. Good streets to look on are Darcy St., McCaul St., Beverly St., Baldwin). Also Harbord St (just West of campus) and its surrounding streets. If you don't mind a bit of a walk, the area around Trinity Bellwoods Park has some very reasonable priced apartments, and is a cool neighbourhood.

I lived in the Annex and it's a fantastic neighbourhood and very close to campus. I think it's getting a bit pricier though.

Generally immediately East of campus is going to be more expensive (on Bay, Yonge, Church), and has more high-rise condos and apartments. Farther east (Sherbourne St, Parliament St) gets cheaper, but as a female I wouldn't recommend that neighbourhood. Crime rates are a lot higher there, to me it's not worth the cheap rent to sacrifice safety.

I think you should be able to find something reasonable in that price range. Keep in mind that the Toronto rental market works a lot differently than other cities- most properties won't be listed until 2-3 months before they are available (So if you're looking to take a place starting Sept. 1, start looking mid-June).

I think PadMapper is a really good website to find available rentals. Also the U of T housing site.

One last word of advice: scam apartments are a thing in Toronto- if the price looks to good to be true, the place is probably too good to be true as well. Be careful and make sure you meet the landlord at the prospective apartment in person. Also check bedbug reports before signing a lease by googling the address you're interested in.

thanks a lot! that was extremely helpful :)

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone else has paid their $500 dollar deposit? I sent my certified cheque in a few days ago by mail and was wondering how will we know that the school received it? Will they indicate somewhere online that they have received it? If anyone knows please let me know!


You can check to see of the deposit has been paid on: Student Web Services | University of Toronto


I am going to be accepting my offer today and I was just wondering if there is anyone that will be commuting from Brampton? Just deciding if it would be possible to commute everyday or if it's better to just live there. Also, does anyone know about the hospitals that they place you in. Is it only Toronto hospitals or would Brampton be an option as well.


Hi, I just created a Facebook group: "Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (U of T) - Class of 2017" Please join it!

Hi, I just created a Facebook group: "Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (U of T) - Class of 2017" Please join it!

I just searched for it and couldn't find it- are the privacy settings such that anyone can find it?

Hi, I changed the setting just now to public so I think you should be able to find it now. I am from McMaster University so for some reason the group that I created seems to be a group within McMaster. I tried to figure out how to change this but didn't see any other options. Does anyone know how to change this?

Hi, I changed the setting just now to public so I think you should be able to find it now. I am from McMaster University so for some reason the group that I created seems to be a group within McMaster. I tried to figure out how to change this but didn't see any other options. Does anyone know how to change this?

Oh I see. I still can't find it. I think you may have to delete the group and start over, without making it a McMaster group. It happened to me once and there was no way to change it without starting over.

Hi thanks, I remade the group it should be public now and not a McMaster group!

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