U of M Loewenberg Collge of Nursing Spring 2018 Applicants


Specializes in Critical Care Nurse.

Hello everyone,

I applied for the spring term. I wanted to chat with others who applied for the spring term as well, as we wait for a determination letter. I am currently taking microbiology, wellness and psychology at the U of M. Is there anyone else finishing up perquisites or gen Ed courses while you wait on a reply from the nursing department? Has anyone gotten an early acceptance before November? And if there is a discussion published already for Loewenberg's spring 2018 applicants, please point me into its direction.

Best of luck everyone!

I applied for Spring 2018 and waiting as well. I'm taking Micro, statistics, and nutrition to finish my prerequisites at Union. I check my application DAILY! It says "under review ". I think Ive read all the posts from previous semesters. They usually start receiving decisions around November. :banghead:

I have also applied for spring of 2018 and will have all pre reqs completed by fall of 2017. I've heard if you have at least a 2.8 and all pre reqs completed you've got a good shot at acceptance, considering there isn't a massive volume of applicants for the spring.

Best of luck to all! I'm sure we are all praying.

Yes! All in faith. I really hope there are too many applicants. Even more that the favor of God will reign. I was reading today where past applicants received decisions as early as October 13th. This wait is horrible.

Specializes in Critical Care Nurse.


The wait is torture! I called on yesterday and was told that there is usually up to 800 applications with only 150 seats available; however, 45 of those seats are for MSN. She couldn't give a standard gpa cutoff due to it changing every enrollment. And they that typically reply by Nov 1; furthermore, there is no such thing as early acceptance. And the wait continues . . . Best of luck guys!

I called today. The woman I spoke with informed me the person I needed to speak with was out today (Toni Marie), to call back Monday. THEN she said "but I think I remember her saying decisions would go out the end of November. " No way!

I would've thought spring semester would have less applicants

What makes you say that?

I always thought the majority of majors started in the fall. I know the nursing program at NWCC only starts in the fall. But maybe I'm wrong.

You may be right. I was just asking. Well, since we're past the deadline it could be any day.

Has anyone heard anything yet?

Specializes in Critical Care Nurse.

I've heard that letters should be sent by the third week of this month. Good luck everyone!

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