Published Dec 2, 2005
85 Posts
I am new to this site and this is my first post. I was looking into the U of D Mercy 2nd degree program. I got my first bachelors over 20 yrs ago. I was a lot younger then and ended up with only a 2.33 GPA. I recently found out that U of D Mercy won't allow me to do the 2nd degree program because you have to have a 2.5 GPA. I would need to take 9 pre-req classes before applying - all biology, chemistry, and math. (I would need to do this for ANY 2nd degree program as it has been so long since I got my bachelors) I have taken a biology and math class so far and have a 4.0 in both. But U of D won't even consider them or any of the other 7 I will be taking because my first bachelors ended up with 2.33. I know they have a 2.5 GPA requirement to weed out people who they don't think can make it, but I am a toally different person than I was 20 years ago. And I believe the grades I got in my first semester of pre-reqs (while working 40 hours a week and having 2 kids and a husband) shows this. I told the admissions person that I needed to take 9 classes and was sure my combined GPA would be well above 2.5 but she said it only mattered what I had from my first bachelors. Has anyone else come across this? Any advice? Thanks so much and sorry for so long a post. I've never seen this situation on any forum before.
575 Posts
Yes. The same thing happend to me. I had a 2.4 but had nearly 4.0 all my other classes since graduating (60+ credits). They flat out told me no. I now go to Oakland Univerisity's 2nd degree program. Wayne State also offers the 2nd degree program. Madonna University in Livonia offers a traditional bachelors but it is only 2 years (summers off) if you take your prereqs and transfer in with another degree.
Make sure you 4.0 all your prereqs. It has been competitive to get into programs lately.
Good luck!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
My first efforts in college netted me a 0.7 GPA and believe me, not many people were knocking on my door. However, I did keep at it and finally just realized I had to start over and that is what I did. My indiscretions as a stupid 18-19 y/o followed me until I decided to just start over.
108 Posts
I had a similar situation, where I came out of my bachelor's with less than a 2.5 and was told that the GPA from my master's "kind of balances out the bachelor's GPA, but not really" (whatever THAT means!). Keep pounding out the prereqs and try some of the other programs. Don't give up, it took me 2 tries to get into U-Mich's 2nd degree program! Which reminds me, UM might be another for you to try, you might look into Michigan State's new accelerated program, too. Best of luck to you!
Mike in Michigan