U of D Mercy Acclerated Program


Hey, has anyone taken the Accelerated BSN program through University of Detroit Mercy? I got accepted for May 2011 and I wanted to know what to expect. I heard tuition is out of this world! I really want to know about clinical times. I heard they could be on the weekend. Any thoughts? Thanks :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Hi I'm not a student there but there are quite a few old threads about the program that go into a lot of detail, you may want to check them out :) and when I say old i just mean maybe a month or so ago, im sure the info is still current :) congrats and goo luck..ive heard good things about it

Thanks! Yeah I read them all. I just wanted to know more about people's clinical schedules. BTW, I love patho too!! :)


I graduated from that program in May of 2009. First, I want to say that you will be so glad when you are finished and out in the working world that you do not have to go back for a BSN completion program. I see so many of my co-workers struggle with trying to do this, and feel badly for them.

The program was very fast paced, and you have to be on top of your studies at all times. The first semester starts with more focus on the academics, and less clinical, then each semester works more towards more clinical hours. You finish with having to complete 200 hours of preceptor work one on one with a R.N. I completed mine at the VA, and loved it.

I literally worked every hour of overtime offered to me, and had my loans paid off in about 20 months.

The board passing rate for that program is very high (over 90%) and each day helped prepare you.

Good Luck!!

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