U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

World Canada CA Programs


Hi all! Just like to meet all the potential applicants here. Have you applied already?

Hey eleigh16! what was your GPA that you applied with ?

I got accepted two days ago (Oct 3), and they received all of my documents on Sept. 27. I applied with a 3.64 GPA. I emailed them last month and they said "In recent years, the final cutoff average for the BN Degree Holder Route has ranged from 3.40 to 3.52. Due to the high demand for this program, we anticipate that the final admission average will remain in the mid-3.00 range." Hopefully that gives some of you a benchmark. All the best to you all!

Congratulations on everyone who got in! I entered the program in Jan 2017 as a degree holder so I'm almost 1 year in. If I can help answer any questions, let me know!

Hi everyone! I also will be beginning the degree holder route in January and am really looking forward to it. Kenobi, I am wondering if you could tell me about when clinical/community placements begin and how much say you have in which placements you end up at... I'm just trying to decide about what I will do for transportation. If placements begin in January I will have to really get on it as I understand some placements can be pretty inaccessible via public transit - as for right now I only really have a plan for getting to and from the U of C. Thanks so much!

Congrats on getting in! I am guessing that your orientation will be during the week of January 8th (don't quote me on this though!) and you will meet your clinical group members and instructor on that day. That is also the day when you find out where your clinical placements are. There will be two different schedules with different clinical days and different days off. You will be randomly assigned to one of the schedules.

Unfortunately you will not have a say as to where your placements are... but most people have no problem reaching their placement via public transit or by carpooling with other group members. Furthermore, first term is community nursing, so there may be days where you spend time doing research on campus rather than venture out into your community... this will all depend on your specific clinical instructor.

Hope this helps a bit! Let me know if you need further clarification :)


Oh, I want to mention a couple of things that may be helpful to know before school starts.

1. Start hunting down your vaccination records as you will need to provide them

2. You need a laptop (or some sort of portable computer)

3. You need to dress professionally for your placements

4. You need a watch with a second hand for counting pulse, respiration rates etc. (cannot use phone)

Might be good to hunt these things down if you don't have them already. Finding this out a week before clinical was a tad stressful.

Thanks @kenobi for the info! After being accepted did you get a package in the mail with more detailed information on what's to come and what to expect, or was everything communicated trough the student portal?

Also, was there any kind of orientation/info sessions before the new year (Nov/Dec)?

Hey Bkuz, yes there will be a detailed package in the mail with some to-dos before school starts. Off the top of my head, you need to submit a vaccination record, criminal record check, get a CPR certification, and get a N95 fit test (could be some I missed). The pack is quite good and will provide you with all the details you need to complete these things!

I did not attend any kind of info session before the new year. I don't recall there being any, but I could be wrong.

for those who have already been accepted, do you guys wanna make a facebook group where we can all discuss the curriculum, registration, transportation, textbooks, etc? :)

for those who have already been accepted, do you guys wanna make a facebook group where we can all discuss the curriculum, registration, transportation, textbooks, etc? :)

so I just took initiative and created the fb group myself lol search up "university of calgary nursing - january 2018"! :)

I received the offer 2 weeks ago. MY GPA is 3.63

Want to ask you if we start clinical in the first semester? if ye is it in a long-term care??

Hi, Bassem.are you in degree-route or transfer route? When did you send your last transcript? Thanks

Hey Kenobi, can you specify why you need a laptop? I usually just write down my notes.. and answer tophat questions on my phone.

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