

I haven't taken chem yet but I will be taking it at TCC. I wanted to take chem this fall, but all the chem classes start before I drop my son off at school or get out after I need to pick him up in the afternoon. They had night classes, but they started before my husband gets home from work.

My neighbor wants to go to TCU to get an education degree. I don't think she has looked at the tuition price, $20,000 for one year. She is as poor as I am and I know she doesn't have any rich family.

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

I will be driving, sharing that responsibility with a LVN Co-worker (if we both get in that is). But if she does not get in ,It's all me baby. I will buy another car to do this and have no idea about childcare but if I get in IM GOING! I was told by the nursing dept at TCC that they are starting a new program next year LVN to RN and then like Paramedic to RN something of that nature. So that is one other thing Im looking in to ,but no info is avaiable yet. I know the thing everyone wants is a RN but it just seems to me that if you offered a fast track LVN/Paramedic to RN program we would get more RN's out there. They just seem to be closing all down, and just at the time Im ready to apply... Makes me sick. TWU gives you extra points for being a LVN , I dont know about UTA . I really wanted to do my BSN online, ohhh i just dont know....Ill figure it out when the time comes.... What are your plans... Did you take chem at TCC? :)

I haven't taken Chem yet, but I will be taking it at TCC, probably in the spring. Do you know any good chem teachers? I wanted to take chem this fall, but I couldn't because the times conflicted with dropping off and picking up my son from school.

I'm going to go to TCC until next fall when I will be starting UTA. I'm doing all the prerequisites for the nursing program at UTA, however I am going to also apply to SWAU, TCC, and maybe some others when the times comes. I wish I could stay at TCC to finish my prerequisites, but two classes I need are only offered at UTA. One class is a prerequisite for the other, so I have to spend two semester over there. Boy I really don't want to drive that far and pay that much for prerequisite classes, but oh well.

I want to just go ahead and get my BSN, but I want to get my ADN if none of the BSN school let me in. I'll get payed the same and I can go back to school later when my husband finishes school. I think I migh look into the surgical tech program at TCC as well if I don't get into nursing school. After I work as a surgical tech for a few years I can apply to the PA school in Forth Worth.

I hate being so unsure of what I'm going to be doing in a few years.

I will be driving, sharing that responsibility with a LVN Co-worker (if we both get in that is). But if she does not get in ,It's all me baby. I will buy another car to do this and have no idea about childcare but if I get in IM GOING! I was told by the nursing dept at TCC that they are starting a new program next year LVN to RN and then like Paramedic to RN something of that nature. So that is one other thing Im looking in to ,but no info is avaiable yet. I know the thing everyone wants is a RN but it just seems to me that if you offered a fast track LVN/Paramedic to RN program we would get more RN's out there. They just seem to be closing all down, and just at the time Im ready to apply... Makes me sick. TWU gives you extra points for being a LVN , I dont know about UTA . I really wanted to do my BSN online, ohhh i just dont know....Ill figure it out when the time comes.... What are your plans... Did you take chem at TCC? :)

Most community college RN programs will bridge you. I was an LPN for 11 years. I called my local community colleges that had Associate degree RN programs and they take you in as a second year student in a 2 year program, therefore you only have to complete the one year to finish your RN. However heres the catch you must complete the prerequesite classes. It took me one year part time 2 classes a semester to finish the prereqs.(3 semester year configuration). I also took every class that wasn't an NUR class that was require before I actually started the Nursing program therefore lightening my class load. This took another year. So heres the low down one year of prereq., and if you work and have kids you need to lighten your class load so you don't drown, followed by one year of all required classes that are not NURs, then one year of actual nursing school. I have kids, at the time was single, and had to work full time as I still do. Once in the nursing program fulltime monday thru friday,(same time the kids were at school) I got a job at a Nursing home as an LPN working 16 saturday and 16 sunday, (my mom took the kids on the weekends)this gave me enough money to survive, and kept me and my children in health insurance, and got me 50% tuition reimbursement. I also recommend one of the shifts in the 16s be the 11-7 shift you can read your text between call lights and med and tx passes. It helps to keep you awake and alert over nite which most supervisors don't mind, and if they do find another job where they don't, weekends are very short and DON's are desperate to cover these shifts. This gives you study time away from the kids, and I see it as a positive for your patients keeping you alert during the nite shift and increasing your knowledge. Getting the RN was well worth all the hardship. Remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I am starting University of Pheonix at the end of September '04 to complete my Bachelors degree on-line after being an RN for 4 years. Once past the RN level on-line classes are very good because you don't need to do any Clinicals. Hope this helps, go for it. I think this is the second time I responded to one of your threads this week. Good luck KIM:rolleyes:

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