TWU NP students I need your HELP!!!!!!!!


Please any helpful details from any graduate TWU Students will be much appreciated.

I am starting FNP I clinical Jan 2012 and my school Texas Woman's University has not given us any information on how to get the paperwork started or any information on what is required to start clinicals. The reply that we received is that faculty is still trying to work out Spring 2012. I work and have 5 children so in order to accommodate my family and work I need to plan ahead. I keep hearing that the demand for clinical sites is greater than the supply and these clinics have a waiting list of 1 to 2 years of students wanting to do clinicals there. I have some questions like what type of setting is FNP I II III like family first, pd, ob, geriatrics? What are the hours required to complete and do all the hours have to be worked during the day or week? Any info will help. Thank you.

I am in the same situation as you are and have been asking around. No one has the answers I need to adequately prepare. I do not want to wait to be on the waiting list of getting a preceptor when the semester starts! It is very frustrating! I have e-mailed the person that is in charge of clinicals and had not had a reply so far and it has been a month ago! I wish they would have informed us at the beginning of the program the expectations and criterias of a preceptor so if they do not have one provided to us, we can at least start our search!

Have you heard anything yet? I too emailed the person in charge, but no luck. Did you receive the infamous October letter they were talking about? I have not.:down:

So I talked to one of the instructors after lecture this past monday and she said that they are still working on the letter that was suppose to be mailed out to us this week. The students in the Adult NP program already have their letters. I am very nervous that I will not be able to find a preceptor in time because the holidays is around the corner and people are going on vacation and clinics maybe closed for holidays. I am not happy about this at all!

I heard from a classmate that an email was sent out this afternoon regarding clinicals and that it was a pretty nasty email with inappropriate, unprofessional, condescending contents. At this point I just need info on clinicals and I have yet to receive anything.

Which campus are you guys at? I emailed my instructor in Houston and she emailed back saying the requirements to look for a preceptor are pretty much the same as Assessment. There will, however be at least 90 hours required this semester.

You guys will have to do total 500 hours for the program. While we were doing Assessment, our instructors tipped us to take a Pediatric and Women's Health preceptor for the next 2 semesters, as there is a requirement to do a certain number (which I forgot) of hours in these 2 specialties. The clinical work will be divided into 1/3 each Pedi, Women and Men. So, I would guess we need at least a 100+ hours in each demographic area.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Telemetry, Oncology.

Hey guys,

I am at TWU (Denton campus) FNP program. Spring 2012 will be my 2nd semester. I'm going part-time and I have a LONG time before I begin clinicals. But hearing this has disturbed me. So have you guys gotten clinical sites yet? What advice can you give me before I begin clinicals? What campuses are you guys at?

I saved you guys as friends. I hope you don't mind and I would appreciate any advice you could give me.



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