TWU Fall 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello everyone!

I am starting this thread... a year early. That is how much I want to be accepted into the Fall 2013 BSN program at TWU in Dallas. I am taking my TEAS on August 30 so that if I have to, I can take it again the following application period (after September 1). I have finished my prerequisites (last week of Summer AP2 right now, hurray).

I hope other people see this forum so that we can all talk and encourage each other about getting into the program (and be stressed out together)! Seriously hoping that this next year flies by! I Look forward to get to know other hopefuls!

Yea, the advisor said that if a weekend program applicant was not accepted, then they would be put in the traditional program applicant pool. Or at least that's how it was last semester....

Well that puts a bit of a damper on meh spirits.

That doesn't sound accurate. Why would weekend applicants get priority like that? Just doesn't make sense.

Righhht? See to me that's like oh you werent accepted to Houston? Would you like to go to Dallas?

Which isn't allowed btw...

Are we consider for the weekend program if we don't get in the traditional one? haha

On a serious note, how many are accepted into the traditional program? I forget...

Hey All,

That is correct info on if you don't get accepted into weekend program you get put into pool for regular program. Not sure it's really a priority thing as applicants are in theory of equal standing...and I'm guessing if they are like me, being accepted into regular program wouldn't be an option anyway. At any rate, I got my weekend program acceptance last week, the deadline to accept was either today or tomorrow, so I'd imagine the regular program acceptances shouldn't be too far behind! Good luck to all!

Hey All,

That is correct info on if you don't get accepted into weekend program you get put into pool for regular program. Not sure it's really a priority thing as applicants are in theory of equal standing...and I'm guessing if they are like me, being accepted into regular program wouldn't be an option anyway. At any rate, I got my weekend program acceptance last week, the deadline to accept was either today or tomorrow, so I'd imagine the regular program acceptances shouldn't be too far behind! Good luck to all!

Thanks for verifying, I was pretty sure that was what she said at the information session

That doesn't sound accurate. Why would weekend applicants get priority like that? Just doesn't make sense.

It's not a priority really, they get considered equally with everyone else in the traditional program. The only thing is they have a previous degree so they get that as an added bonus on their "points" that get added up.

Which is a crazzzyyyy formula... dont even try to add up the pint syStem

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