TWU current student advice


I applied to TWU Houston Nursing School for Fall 09.

i was just looking to get some advice from current students? As in, what I can expect? What semester is the hardest? Stuff like that, any advice is greatly appreciated!


Specializes in Emergency.

look at Nhoward..i like how you are acting.. like you already got in.. meaning asking questions like what you should expect and etc that is great.. keep being positive and soon enough your letter will arrive!!


haha! No, I'm so not confident! I'm actually thinking it's not going to happen... I just have that feeling...hopefully it will go away

Specializes in Emergency.

dont say that. you will be F I N E . here i am talking about the letters for baylor went out on tuesday because the advisor from the Waco campus told me and I got an email from the Dallas campus and she said they havent even sent them out.. so i feel like an idiot. hahaha. but better safe than sorry.

I would've done the same thing. This is so stressful! Best of luck though

Specializes in Emergency.

you too. im so ready for this its unbelievable. i have found threads on here with helpful information for clinicals. like patient assessment sheets. i have already saved them to my computer.. im ready for this waiting to be over. ive decided to take a phlebotomy course over the summer so that way i can work on the weekends during nursing school. are you going to do anything like that?

Yeah, I'm taking EMT Basic class right now and it's been great for patient assesment and all that. What's the thread you go that patient assessment sheet from?

Fortunately, I've been put in a situation where my parents are paying for me to go through school, so I won't be working

Specializes in Emergency.

i forgot you were doing the EMT. yeah my parents will help me too. as long as i stay at home. but i want to get an apt with my fiance. and i dont think my parents will have enough to pay for my rent too.. i mean they will help but you know what i mean..welll im sure they can pay my rent..but they wont. hahaha .. but this is one of the threads.. look for "daytonite" she has the best ones. she has one in blue that says "reportsheet.doc"

Specializes in Emergency.

and right below she has "Critical thinking flow sheet" AND "student clinical report sheet for one patient" those are excellent..

I'm lookin, all theones i'm seeing is videos

Specializes in Emergency.

well if you go to DAYTONITE. they have one that says studenreport.doc or something close and right under her name it says student clinical for one patient and something about a flow chart.

Specializes in Emergency.

to be precise it is "reportsheet.doc" in blue.

"critical thinking flow sheet for nursing students"

"student clinical report sheet for one patient"

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