Published Oct 4, 2005
Nurse Hatchett
82 Posts
Just a quick question. I had my TSH level drawn and it came back 373. Has anyone ever seen one this high?? Thanks in advance for any input
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Hello, Nurse Hatchett,:balloons:
Yes, in my practicie I see extremely high TSH.
You are under the care of a healthcare provider, yes?
Hello, Nurse Hatchett,:balloons: Yes, in my practicie I see extremely high TSH.You are under the care of a healthcare provider, yes?
Yes going to see the endo. on Wed. I was just shocked when Dr. showed me and it was that high, as I have not seen one this high before. I asked her if there was a decimal point somewhere in there, and there wasn't. LOL Explains why I feel so tired huh :)
Bless your heart. I am sure you are extremely fatigued. Glad you are getting to the bottom of everything.
I wish you much luck......:icon_hug:
O.k. I went to the endo today and all he said was to cont. to take my current dose of Synthroid and recheck by TSH and free T4 in 6 weeks. I expected him to adjust my dose to at least help get me back to normal.......I was rather frustrated with the whole deal. I went for my original appt. and he was ill and wasn't going to be in until the afternoon, so I went back in the afternoon, on my only day off, between work and school. I felt like it was a complete waste of my time and money
Just curious........What was your TSH before you started on the Synthroid?
I've actually been taking Synthroid for some time now. Currently 150 mcg. About 3 yrs ago I was dx with hyperthyroidism, they used the radioactive pills, hence I now have hypothyroidism. Ever since then they have been adjusting my medication to try to get my TSH normal. Off the top of my head I can't remember exactly what my last draw was. I think around 60 or 70 something. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have took the pills and stayed hyper. I felt better then, plus I didn't have all this extra wgt. I've gained probably 40-50 lbs. and I have always been a small girl. Max wgt of 120, so it is a big sore spot for me. Sorry to ramble on and on. I'm just tired of being tired and feeling so worn down. It's like I don't have energy to do anything. Plus when I seen the endo yesterday he didn't spend 5 minutes with me and didn't do anything. I'm thinking about just having my MD follow it if she will. Save me money and the time of going to his office. Especially when I don't want to go anywhere anyhow........LOL Anyway once again, thanks for listening to me whine....
Helllo again,
Yes, please contact your PCP. I am of the belief that a change as significant as yours needs to be addressed in more than just "stay on the same dosage" and all this in a span of 5 minutes.....
Call her today, if you can. Good luck. Here's hoping you get to feeling better very soon......:balloons:
Thanks :)