Published Dec 10, 2009
43 Posts
I am at a university for my first year of nursing and the program is collaborative with 2 other schools (its a joint nursing program). I have tried talking to so many people. I want to know if you are able to transfer to a one of the two other schools because it would be closer to were I live. Has anyone been in this situation before, or know how this process works.
thank you!
231 Posts
That sounded very similar to the set up at my University. I think that transfers in the first couple of years depended on space available. I know that I was at one of the smaller off site college campuses instead of the main University campus....and there were quite a few people from the main campus that wanted to come to our college because of the smaller class sizes and they figured better learning environment.
They were not allowed to because every seat at the college was full
(however we could transfer to the main University campus fairly easily if we wanted to)
I think in the case of transferring, people actually would have had to fill out a new application for the program through registrars, and see if they got accepted.....(kinda silly since it was essentially the same program)
I don't know if that's what you are looking for..
As like most schools in Canada, it was collaborative 4 years with college and university...everyone had to transfer to the main university anyways for their senior years, so no one that I ever knew transferred earlier.