Trying to get into nursing program in quebec

World Canada CA Programs



I was wondering if anyone had or is having a hard time getting into the Cegep (quebec) to study nursing?

I 'm in my late 40's, male and having really a hard time getting into the nursing program. I have finished my prerequisite courses (chemistry & Physical Sciences) with excellent grades (average 96). So, I was wondering, is age or gender a factor for not being admitted into the program? To my understanding, we do not have enough male nurses in the system and being older means more understanding and more compassionate towards the others.

Jun 13 by kimber75 I believe we may have met at the college on Friday!

Sorry to hear that you did not pass the French exam.

Yes I was there on Friday among the 5 taking the french test.

Can you retake the exam and apply for the winter session?

Yes, I will be able to re-take the exam if they have any available spots in August. I am quite nervous about taking the program in French. I hope it will not be too difficult. I went to elementary school all in French, and consider myself pretty bilingual, but all of my high school and courses taken since then have been in English. My writing in French needs much improvement but I am working on it.

Just curious if you received news from College Valleyfield yet?

Yes, I am in.

I guess it is better than waiting in limbo for the English Cegep.

I think it would help if you familiarize yourself with the French nursing terminologies, by reading French medical or nursing books, prior to the start of the program. Or take a French writing refresher course during the summer. And don't give up. There is always a way to get in.

Good Luck!

Congrats!! Yes, I am taking some French writing courses now to help where I am struggling. So if all goes well and there happens to be an empty spot in August, I will be there! If not I will still start in August just not in the nursing program, and I will start taking some courses ( French, English, physical education) just to lighten my load for nursing in the winter. I will not give up! Again, congratulations to you!


Hopefully you'll get in soon.

Best of luck!

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