Trying to endorse since September?Seriously!

U.S.A. New Jersey


I am a New York State licensed RN. I submitted all required paperwork and fees to NJ BON back in September. They cashed my check immediately, but never contacted me after that. I tried on numerous occasions to call to see what was going on, but on the rare occasions that I did actually get a human, they transferred me to voicemail, which I took as the equivalent of hanging up on me, as none of those messages were ever returned. SO finally one time they did connect me to a helpful human who told me that they were waiting on my fingerprints, as they sent me the fingerprinting forms "months ago" (no they totally did not) so he re-sent them. I did the fingerprinting 2 or 3 weeks ago, and still nothing. Is my experience typical? Do you have SOOOO many nurses in NJ that the board really can't be bothered to have just one more? Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me or commiserate. Sorry for the rant!

Specializes in PCICU.

NJ BON is getting a pretty bad rap with new grads too. I've known of applications getting lost, and similar experiences as yours. I was told by an instructor that if i was doing endorsement with NJ, not to expect it for "months". YES, they absolutely suck. And it has nothing to do with having too many nurses. They just suck.

Keep badgering them or risk being forgotten...

Keep on them. Press other button prompts until you get a human being. When I was waiting for my ATT# I gave them a call and asked what the deal was. "We haven't received your Letter of Completion yet." "Yes you have, they were all overnighted together two Fridays ago and you've issued an ATT to some of us already." "Oh, I'm sorry, It was on someone's desk."

Well I finally got a human on the phone they're telling me that I didn't send them enough money....that the fee went up last spring or summer or something, and the check that I sent in September was short $55. She told me I must have had an old form. The one I downloaded from their website a week before I sent it.In September.And why didn't anybody ever notify me? She thought I knew(?):trout:

This would be funny if I wasn't so aggravated.

So I asked, "After you get this $55, will it be a few more months?"

We'll see!!!!!

I guess their "system" is, just don't do anything with these applications until they call, and when they call, just tell them one issue at a time. If there's two issues, save the second issue for the next time they call.......

I will never ever again complain about NY after this.

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