Travel Nursing, suggestions?

Specialties Travel


Hi, i'm new to this site. I am going to graduate in April 2007 with my BN, but i will be able to start working as a graduate nurse in Dec, 2006. I really am interested in doing some travel nursing before i settle down. I was just wondering if anyone here has done it and if they have any suggestions for me. I think that California, Hawaii, or Texas would be really awesome to go to. I'm from Manitoba, Canada.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Even if an agency takes you on, the contracting hospitals often won't. I have had to be less selective about area due to only having 18 months experience. Many hospitals will not budge off of their 'experience requirement' by even a small amount.

Or the facility will take you, you trek halfway across the country and then you fail the mandatory PBDS/med test and your contract gets cancelled.

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