Travel nursing before CRNA school?

Specialties Travel


So I would really like to go to CRNA school January 2018 or the fall of 2018 if I cannot get in then. I've looked into travel nursing some and think it would be a great experience to go to a place like California for a few months and work a 3-6 month contract out there. I wanna know if anyone on here has experience with something like that, and if doing travel nursing in an unfamiliar part of the country, away from common normalities like family and friends adds an extra amount of unnecessary stress, or if its kind of like a work vacation?

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Moved to Travel Nursing

Hey, that's my plan too. Travel nurse for a year or so and then apply to CRNA the same time as you. There is a poster here, Bluebolt, that has done just that. Check out his youtube channel "BoltRN", he gives so many tips on travel nursing and CRNA school both.

It's really an awesome idea, you get to see so many new places when you travel, all while making high dollar. He had some assignments in California, I hope you get in touch with him.

Maybe if you can find another traveler to go with it would make it easier.

Awesome I'll definitely check Bluebolt! The experience of traveling to somewhere far away like cali (from Oklahoma) and the money opportunities there make it super appealing! Thanks for the reply!!

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