Published Sep 9, 2005
9 Posts
My husband and I are considering travel nursing to AK. Anyone been? Suggestions, comments, the good and bad. Also will be brining 3 year old daughter along.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
What time of year?
Is summer better?
243 Posts
Been there done that! Had a blast. Depends what you want. I was offered a job in a Native Hospital in the Bush (can't drive there, must fly in and out. Bethel is 400 mile west of Anchorage. Such a different enviornment from what I was used to here in Texas. Living in the bush is a unique experience. The hospital was very good at preparing me before I got there. If you prefer the cities Anchorage is GEORGEOUS! I never made it to Fairbanks but I know of nurses who loved it there. There are many choices. Check the Alaska State Jobs web site. Look at Indian Health Services for opportunites. I heard that one nurse I worked with is now over the Nursing Department at Alaska Native Medical Center and has helped them achieve Magnet Status. She is excellent, Lorraine Jewitt. I'd work with her again. Do you want to live near the sea? Seward has a small hospital. Wasilla outside of Anchorage has a small hospital. Many choices. Go in the Summer, July or August. Spend time in Anchorage or Fairbans and get the clothing and equipment you will need for winter. Spend and hour or two outside each day as it gets colder. That will help you acclimatize to the cold. When they tell you flesh will freeze if exposed for more than a minute, believe them. P.S. Don't go outside in winter with wet hair unless you like surprise hair cuts. Go for it and have fun.
47 Posts
I lived in AK for 5 years, LOVED IT! Moved for family reasons, can't wait to move back. If you choose to go you will never regret it. I lived in Barrow for 2 years - Native hospital, at the top of the world, it was an unforgetable experience. Lived in Anchorage for 3 years and loved it. You can be in total wilderness in 25 minutes of driving. The city maintains an incredible system of bike/ski trails that they keep groomed year round - for biking in summer, and sking in the winter. There is so much that is great that I can't possible cover it here. Lots of info availabe on the internet. I have to sign off now, I'm homesick for AK.
thanks. That tells me a lot. As a travel nurse I know about home sick. I will head to TN my home for the holidays. Hope you get to go home soon too.
6 Posts
Alaska is wonderful anytime of year. In Anchorage there is a native hospital there's Alaska Regional Hospital and there is Providence Alaska medical center.In Palmer (40 min northeast) there is Valley Regional hospital,all great places to work with views to die for. You can't go wrong in Alaska, I lived there for a couple of years and I too was called away for family issues.We hope to head back soon . I have a three year old and there are a lot of things to do there anytime of year. Don't listen to the hype from people who have never lived there ...go and enjoy!!!
thanks for the information. It was very helpful.