traumatic fire experience


Last night at work was horrible. I am thankful I was in triage. Our hospital typically doesn't get codes or traumas unless we are the closest facility. Well we got them last night. 3 code's in a row, d/t a house fire. We had a brother and sister 6 & 7 and the children's grandma's boyfriend. I heard the call for a trauma but our sister hospital was to get 2 pt's and we were to get 2. The nurse orienting me came out to triage and said don't put anyone in the back. I thought she said we have 2 non-rebreathers coming but it was we have two non-breathers coming. I am triaging and see the first squad pull up and am typing something and look up and go "Oh my, it's a child". The little boy in in full arrest. I can't remember who came in second but all three of them were in full arrest when they came to our facility. We are not a very big facility. I think b/t the two hospitals we can house 200-250 pt's inhouse if that. We were just lucky we had the nursing staff and the docs. It was getting close to change of shift and our night doc came in at the right time so we ended up with 4 docs total plus a pediatrician that came in to see another pt went to help. When it was all said and done with we lost the little girl, flew the boy and older man out. I wasn't in any of the 3 rooms, even though I wanted to but I didn't want to, at all but it is so sad. I had to stop at my children's day care on my way home from work this am to give my children a hug and a kiss. We had 6 crash carts all cracked sitting in the nurses station after everything was over with. Our pharmacy closes at 8pm and this was at 945 when everything started. I am just glad that nothing else happened through the night b/c we didn't have a crash cart that was completely stocked to use.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I am so sorry for the rough night you had. Being an ER RN isn't always fun, unfortunately. Watching kids suffer is the worst - at least for me. It has been helpful for me to know that there is something else for us when we die. Although not terribly religious - I do believe in God and heaven. For me this is comforting when I can' explain suffering. Please take care and talk it over with your co-workers. I'm sure you will find them just as upset. Please take care of yourself.

I got tears in my eyes after reading that story. God bless you and keep all of you. You were there for those poor souls at a time of great tragedy.

Specializes in Emergency Room/corrections.

so very sorry this happened. Unfortunately in our business we never know what is going to come through that door, but we have to know how to deal with it.

I have seen far too many child related traumas, and they never get easier. As nurses, we have to be there and know our business so that we can help those who need us.

God bless all of your staff who worked so diligently to save the lives of these victims...

Kids are the worst. No question.

I cannot remember a time when I didn't wake my kids when I got home to hug them after a bad trauma with a child.

We see the worst of the worst and we KNOW how fragile life is. We know that in an instant lives are changed forever.

Hug the people you love.

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