Transferring license to FL?


Specializes in RN.

Hey all,

I am a new nurse w/ 6 months of experience right now. I graduated May 2021 and was granted my NYS license in August, started working in September. I have a criminal record w/ 2 misdemeanor DWIs - convictions dates of May 2017 and July 2021, and a DWAI from 2012 (I was told this is "only" a traffic violation and does not come up on a background check, at least in NYS). I am in recovery, completed substance abuse treatment and am on criminal probation from that July 2021 conviction. My probation is 3 years however as long as I continue on the right path I have the chance for early termination in January 2023. I lived in Florida a few years ago and my plan has always been to move back there after nursing school (that was obviously put on hold). I did look on the FL BON website and I know I have to successfully complete probation before I can even begin an application/transfer of my nursing license from NYS to FL. I am seeking advice on what I should do when the time comes.. do I hire a licensing attonery? Gather letters attesting to my moral character and the changes I've made in my life since these convictions? I have heard the licensing board in FL and other southern states tends to be more strict than in NY (we're big on recovery I guess). Does anyone have personal experience they could share on what my chances may be and if so a time frame? I really would like to go back to FL, be with family, work as an RN, and just have a new lease on life. If my chances do not look good is it possible to keep my NYS license and maybe try for a WFH position for an insurance company based in NYS but live out of state? I would like to start preparing or get an idea of what I will need to do in the future. TYIA!

Edit: I would like to add I had an arrest in FL in 2020, it was a battery charge that was dropped, nothing ever came of it. Long story short: my friends boyfriend was hitting her and her dog, had been going on a long time, and I was still drinking at the time, hit him with a broom and I was the one arrested. I was taken to jail for a few hours and let out. Like I said charges dropped and no conviction (the bf was arrested for assault and battery on her the next week). Would this be something I need to disclose on the app? Should I try to get this sealed or expunged if possible?

I know reading my post given the recent offenses I look like a mess, I truly have turned my life around and will continue on this path.

Glad to hear you are doing well. Honestly I’ve heard FL is super rough on any crimes involving substances… you might get stuck in their monitoring program for a few years

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