Published Jul 25, 2015
80 Posts
I live in Akron, Ohio. Does anyone know of a Train the Trainer course in our area for LPNS. THANKS IN ADVANCE.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Train as a trainer for what? To be an instructor in an LPN it depends on BoN regulations. In my state clinical & theory instructors for practical nursing programs must be an RN with a bachelors degree and they may only instruct in areas where they have paid work experience. Such as my sister who has worked pediatrics her entire career cannot instruct adult med/surg or psych/mental health.
(for cna only licensed RNs can instruct
To instruct STNA'S.
Check if LPNs can provide such instruction. Some states yes, others it must be an RN
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
Here is one. LPNs with sufficient paid experience in LTC can be trained to be an instructor only in facility (not school based) based classes: care4you2, LLC - State Tested Nursing Assistant Program in Toledo, Ohio - Ohio & South Eastern Michigan - Train The Trainer Classes