Trade School vs. Community College

Nurses General Nursing


What is the difference between getting your RN through a trade school or a community college? The community college is much cheaper but they make me jump through so many hoops like: ACT test, dosage calculation test, elementary algebra, general biology.

The trade school (Sanford Brown) I can get started with the LPN program in October and bridge to the RN program right after. It is SO much more expensive though! I KNOW that some of the people I have seen at orientation can no way afford the price that they are charging me! It is like it is negotiable! The community college also told me there is a slim chance that I will even get into the Fall 2009 RN program! Hello! I'm almost 40 years old!!!!

I have a friend that got her RN from Sanford Brown and she was happy with the program. I have heard some bad things, though, about Sanford Brown so I am SO nervous!

Any thought????????????

That message was for the person that said something about not wanting to do nursing for the patients but for the money.

If you are commenting on my post, you totally misunderstood! I was making a point about YOUR comment-that some of the people you saw in orientation could no way afford the program. I was commenting on a program in my state, that MOST who are in PN program CAN'T afford, but the state is paying. So, maybe the people you saw are also being

put thru school by a state program. I also said nothing about you not having an interest in the medical field or only wanting to pursue your RN for the money. I was speaking of the Welfare to Work program in my state and while it is a wonderful program there is little to choose from. So women who may have no interest in being a nurse, end up choosing this program.

Not one person slammed you. All the posts were filled with great advice and viewpoints.

Specializes in CNA.

Let me tell you a little of my story...just a little, I am entering a CC RN program , I was accepted the first time I applied ( thank goodness) but I spent a full year hitting the books hard and taking more than a full load to do so.I got grant and some small loans to get up untill now but I just found out I qualify fd or something even better now that I have gotten accepted In my state there is a program not Welfare to Work exactly but it is called WIA Workforce Investment Act , geared directly toward working adults( lower income ranges not sure about limits) who cannot afford college tuiton, and if you qualify they help pay for childcare , gas and tuiton and books ...then you get to keep any grant , loan or schloarship money you qualify for ...that will make such a big difference for me truly it will help me live thruough the winter semster and not have to worry between bills and school.

I have not been pushed toward a particular program by WIA but I know that the help does not start until you are actually accepted into a program. maybe you could research something like this that may be available where you live could always Google it !LOL

It is great you have a passion and I have dealt with putting off my dream of being a nurse for years but NOW just now I am finally able to get started at seem very determined and I know you will do well in the future, I am sorry you felt slammed I dont think that was the intent at all .

As a side note financial aide might be easier through a CC as well , my school has went above and beyond to help me , if it was just a trade scshool I am not sure it would be the same , just a thought though

Best of luck

Specializes in Critical Care, Progressive Care.
I have dealt with putting off my dream of being a nurse for years but NOW just now I am finally able to get started at it...

Congrats! Glad things are working out well for you. Good luck!

We call them Tech schools here in the DFW area of N. Texas and so many LVNs are coming out of them these days that it is positively scary. Instructors are only required to be RNs--AD or BS, it makes no difference to them because the number of graduates are more important than anything else. My facility serves as the place of practice for many of these students. The instructor has made a number of careless medication errors and has had absolutely no experience with picc lines or their management--the staff had to instruct her on care. She informed us on one occassion that a number of her students were failing the grade in class and were being given special instruction so they might pass with the rest. While there are some exceptional people who do come out of Tech schools with a mind ripe for critical thinking, there are many who don't and so rarely question much once on the floor. If Trade or Tech schools are so much more expensive, thank your lucky stars and move on to a college or university where your curiosity will be peaked, critical thinking is emphasised, and you come out with a better chance at giving great rather than mediocre care. As for me, if I had my choice, I'd never hire a Tech-schooled nurse because so few pay the dues each nursing student should be made to pay to survive.

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