TPAPN question


I am about to start TPAPN soon. If firstlab says that I have been selected today, what do I do if I work 7a-7p that day? I know labcorp closes by like 5pm. Is there an "after hours" place I can drop off my urine AFTER my shift? Thanks.

Specializes in ICU,CCU,Med/Surg,LTC.

I'm not sure what the rules are for TPAPN...I'm involved with ISNAP(Indiana). I am in the same boat you are with my shifts. All of the local drop sites close at 5pm...I work 6a-6:30p(more like 8:30p) and there are no 24hr drop sites in my area. Anyway, when this happens I have to notify ISNAP right away and make sure that I test by noon the following day. I have my shifts scheduled every other day in case this happens and it has happened about 3 times since March. My info may not help you, but I can't imagine they would make you leave work and your patients to leave a urine sample.

Specializes in ICU, psych, corrections.

When I worked at the dialysis clinic from 5am to 7:30pm and was selected, I would leave work to go test, then return. I used my lunch for part of that time and it was inconvenient but my state didn't allow it any other way. We weren't allowed to wait until the next day. It had to be done THAT day or it was considered a positive test. My supervisor was pretty understanding. My lab only took about 30-45 at the most to process my; sometimes it was as quick as 10 minutes if I hit the lab at the right time and the lab I used was about 5-10 min from my place of employment.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho, Oncology, PACU.

Where I am, when we return to work, the place that hires us has to sign peer's contract. So they know full well that we are required to attend certain RN support groups and are required random testing. So they know that, at times, we need to leave briefly or early for these types of things.

Also, with ours, it doesnt matter WHEN the lab closes...we have to have urine in cup and marked collected no later than 4pm. Period. If we pee at's considered a positive.

We also have to have observed testing. Meaning the person at collection sight must watch us pee. So dropping off urine would be out of the questions.

I would again remind your supervisor of the rules of your program if youhave trouble getting out of work for a bit.

Specializes in ICU, PICU, School Nursing, Case Mgt.

Right, here most of the time the Am people are at the Lab before 7am and try to test immediately, then go in to work, so they are a little late on those days.

In Fl IPN program the test can not be rescheduled---if not done it is considered a postive test and that's considered relapse~and under NO circumstances can the urine be dropped off.

In fact, one time when I couldn't produce enough at one time, they dumped what I did do, and I had to sit in the waiting room (for over 2 hours) until I could go. THey do not let you even go to your car or leave the building.

Specializes in ICU,CCU,Med/Surg,LTC.

Well, I will count my blessings (again). My work day is stressful enough with not even having enough time for a potty break during my shift let alone having time to leave and drive 20 min through traffic and sit and wait for who knows how long, give my sample and drive back to work. Anyway, I hope the OP found the answer to their question.

Best Wishes!

care now is an approved first lab testing site they are open till 10 pm. but they do charge $20 testing fee in addition to what you already pay.But its worth it.

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