Took the nclex today and got the good pop up! Here's my story~


:inlove: First off I would like to thank God, my family, friends, everyone that believed in me and! I also want to tell everyone an important quote that the nurse at my work told me days before my test,

"You never fail until you stop trying." -Albert Einstein

I engraved this quote into my heart and throughout the test. Thank you.

Here's my story~

I graduated April 2012 and didn't get my acceptance letter to take the test till 3 months later. I rescheduled my test 4 times! Yes.... 4 times lol. Then finally I scheduled it and gave my self a whole month to study. The reason I kept rescheduling was either because a.) I wasn't ready b.) I didn't study enough c.) I didn't want to fail my first time. Passing this test was really important for me and my family. I mean who doesn't want to pass their first time, right? We all have our goals and dreams. :nurse:

This was my agenda for a whole month- Wake up, go to work, come home, study. I studied for 5+ to 7+ hours daily. I stopped all my leisure activities and focused on studying and answering questions. I wanted to get in the mind set of nclex and didn't want to be distracted. IT WAS TOUGH! :cry: I had no life all over again ahah just like nursing school!

Last week of my test = not easy. I almost rescheduled lol. I felt all the pressure weighing in on me- stress, anxiety, and fear had all set in. To top it off I had food poisoning at in-n-out on the weekend :scrying: And nope, I didn't relax like some people the day before the test. I used all my time to study haha. My mom always said, "Pay now, play later."

Day of test experience- Woke up at 6am = horrible. I couldn't sleep all night. And my stomach was upset the minute I woke up :confused:. Why me? ON MY TEST DAY!? I thought ahha. My test was at 1pm and I was planning on leaving at 11-11:30, but didn't leave till 11:45pm. It took 20ish minutes to get there. I was panicked a bit and rushing on the freeway. And luckily I slowed down right before my exit because there was a cop pointing his radar gun :facepalm: I finally made it to the testing center, checked in, and met nice people. The testing center was pretty nice and fancy!

Thoughts during the test- Half of it was really easy, maybe too easy, and I thought "Am I failing?" And the other half was- I dont know the answer! lol or I was indifferent about it. As I reached 60 so questions, I guess 2 hours had lapsed a pop up surfaced asking if I wanted a break. MY HEART STOPPED LOL. I said NO and continued the test. When I reached 70ish questions I was saying to myself- Is it going to stop is it going to stop? It didn't and I kept going. Then I got to question #84. DUN-DUN-DUN SUSPENSE :zombie: I took a breath and said please please let it end at #85 and if it doesn't that's okay I just need to take my time and answer each one to my best ability because I still have a chance. #85 afterwards - POP UP! I smile and I'm happy and rejoicing! I walk out happy and call my husband. The day before I trained my husband how to do the pvt trick. I'm driving home and he gets the good pop up! And when I get home I check for myself and get the good pop up again! No credit card page! So I'm really happy and I hope the pvt trick works lol. It worked for my friends and one of them already got her passing letter in the mail already. So I hope it's right!? :D

Testing time: 2.5 hours

#SATA- Around 20 (I HATED THESE)


Material I used to study~

  1. Nclex-pn 2013-2014 (Kaplan Nclex-Pn Exam) - read the whole thing
  2. ATI- online and books - practiced online questions, read the materinity book
  3. Saunders - green book - 4th edition and CD - read 75% of this book and practiced questions from the cd
  4. Lippincott 9th edition -practiced a few chapters from this
  5. LaCharity Priority, delegation, and assignment -practiced a few chapters from this
  6. Exam cram - Skimmed, didn't really like it
  7. Free Kaplan nclex style questions - Did 2 practice tests scored around 70s
  8. Nclex 3500 - google - Did one practice question
  9. That online notes/study guide someone made - posted somewhere on the forums

Other school books/notes


You don't need to pay a lot of money to pass this test! I almost paid for Kaplan and Hurst (online 200-300$), but thank god I didn't it was really expensive! I almost bought them several times.

-Study your weak areas

-Be confident of yourself!

-"Stay calm and relaxed and use all the time you can" -what my cousin told me -this helped me soo much!

-Make sure to read the whole question and then do it again and read ALL the answers

-If you know it, don't second guess yourself

-If you don't know it, don't stay stuck on it, use your strengths and move on

Few funny things~





Ps. I jumped on my bed and cried tears of joy after I got my results.


Thank you!!!!!!!

Congrats!!!! I just took my test on Tuesday and did the pvt and kept getting the good pop up....I saw my name on the BON on Thursday!!!! The PVT definitely works!!!!

Congrats my test is on the 24th and I am very nervous

Oh where can I view the one for california? How long it take to show up on there?

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