Took the Hesi A2 today.


As everybody else has already stated. Calm Down! It is not nearly as bad as its made out to be. The math does have a lot of fractions and proportions. There were only like 2 conversions on my test and they were ml to m and then m to ml. I had one military time question, and no roman numerals.

The Vocab came mostly from the book, but there were also a couple of other words thrown in there. I really suggest spending the most time on this section in which you havent already learned all the material in grade school. Go to and study study study.

The Grammar was very straight forward. They give you a sentence and then ask you what is wrong with it, or which word is misspelled. Look carefully at the words FROM and FORM i had quite a few in which those words were used in eachothers place. Also DO NOT combine the words A and Lot alot is not a word. There were also questions that asked which sentence is correct. Not hard just take your time.

The reading was the easiest. the paragraphs are tiny, and very easy to understand unlike the tricky ones in the book.

My Scores: Math:90 Vocab:86 Reading:90 and Grammar:90

What would be Ur best recommendation of book to study from besides the quiz

I used the Evolve Reach Version 2. It was perfect! Also there is a website called dynamo dictionary for a game that uses ALL of the words from the vocab section of the book. Try this link Match Results - HESI A2 - Vocabulary (Evolve Reach A2 Exam Review, 2nd Ed.) | Word Dynamo. Good Luck!

On the math... is the difficulty factor of the questions on the test comparable to the ones in the book?

5rebel5 They are exactly the same! If you know the math in the book you will do great! Make sure you know how to add subtract multiply and divide fractions, know how to solve proportions and ratios.

did you have any alegabra on your test when did you take it

i too have taken the hesi, just did it today and passed :). I studied the quizlet flashcards religiously, and went to to learn how to do the fractions. I also got a military time question but no roman numerals either. However, the one thing that made me super study was the a & p section which our school makes us take. I ended up getting a 76 on that part, but its the cumulative grade that passes us and I got a 87.1. As for everything else: math:92, vocab: 88, reading: 90, grammar: 92

I have retaken it sense then, and now have a total score of 93.48.

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