I am really bound and determined to go thru with this college thing- because if i dont do it now, i think i will always regret it.... BUT here's the problem- we don't really have the money for college. We have two little kids and a very limited income, right now we make just enough to brake even at the end of the month, so there really isn't any money left for tuition.
So i am considering taking out loans but i am not sure..... on one hand.... i feel selfish getting my family in debt.... on the other hand.... if i dont get a decent education, we will probably always be stuck where we are.... we just organized our life backwards ;-) got pregnant when i was in my second year of college (with a foreign language major--> dead end), and now everything is so much harder.... but i am so sick of only looking for the jobs that dont require anything, sick of not being able to pay my dental bills (dont laugh- i needed two crowns after my pregnancy and this is not even funny), not being able to save for my kids' future....
i will probably have to put my girls in daycare, at least part-time, because nursing classes are only in the morning. there are daycare grants, but as with all the financial aid, i don't want to rely on that alone.
Sooo.... is it worth taking out loans? how do you finance school? my college here charges about 150/credit, so the entire program will come to at least 10,000, and that doesnt include any books yet....