To speak or not in class

Nursing Students General Students


I'm in a small class of 24 students. Often the instructor will ask a question and no one will volunteer to answer it. I often know the answer and I'm not afraid to speak out, but I don't want to seem like the "know-it-all" in class. However, I do want to make a good impression. I usually wait to see if anyone else is going to answer or if the instructor is going to randomly call on someone before raising my hand. Should I continue to volunteer answers and comments or should I just keep my mouth shut like everyone else?

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

There is nothing so annoying as trying to interact with your class and getting a bunch of blank stares back. Did noone prepare? Is anyone actually paying attention in class? I can sit/stand/roam around talking but without interaction it is hard to know how much is getting through.

Fortunately, my classes tend to be enthusiastic and responsive. We laugh, and students who have previous experience in health care (my fitness expert was great during musculoskeletal assessment, as were the dental hygienists during ENT) add a lot to class.

However, the questions over what has been covered that show clearly you weren't paying attention (not the clarification or implication type questions) or have not done any of the prep, yeah, that gets to both the instructor and your classmates.

Specializes in ICU.

I agree with a lot of the other posters here. Teachers are people too. I know that when I ask someone a question I prefer an answer to a blank stare. Why wouldn't they?

Im one of those if i know the answer then i'll say it, just last week we were going over the study guide for the test & i was answering all the questions correctly without even going to the book & i could hear the people behind me smack their lips, huff & puff like ok over achiever we get that u read & studied & know how to apply your stuff now be quiet! So i did because i didnt want to come off as a "KNOW IT ALL" so i left the floor open for others & it was like crickets in there. Then after i while i said to myself "no honey you got this so dont be scared! Im not scared to give somebody a piece of my mind SOOOOO i darn show shouldnt be scared to speak up in class either" after all that i could even hear the smacks because i TUNED IT OUT! I really did give them a chance to answer. OH well i'll be that OVER ACHIEVER KNOW IT ALL! & even if i get it wrong i'll get it right the next time!

I'm in a small class of 24 students. Often the instructor will ask a question and no one will volunteer to answer it. I often know the answer and I'm not afraid to speak out, but I don't want to seem like the "know-it-all" in class. However, I do want to make a good impression. I usually wait to see if anyone else is going to answer or if the instructor is going to randomly call on someone before raising my hand. Should I continue to volunteer answers and comments or should I just keep my mouth shut like everyone else?

Speak up! Without sounding totally insensitive here because that is not my intention, but do what is best for you and try not to let what others think affect you. They may all have the same questions you do and are too afraid to say something. If you're not afraid to say something, everyone wins, especially you in the end.

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