TMCC Fall 2011

U.S.A. Nevada


Does anyone have any idea when they will or if they have begun sending out the acceptance letters for the Fall? Its crazy to me that they wait so long to tell you. Makes it hard to plan! :rolleyes:

Thanks Evike. I just hadn't gotten to that site yet. Sounds like I'll do when I come for my CPR class, which is Sept 8th through advantage CPR. Who are you doing yours through and when? It would be nice to do together and meet :)

Mine is through TMCC on September 10th :(

After you pay for the drug test, took me 1 day to receive the e-mail with the paperwork. You may want to do that few days before you come to Reno.

Hi Fall class, just wanted to check in and see how your first week is going. Would love to hear your experiences so I know what I'm in store for come January.


We have been pretty busy!! The orientation is quite scary, but don't let that upset you!! I am serious, it was 9 hours of how we are all going to need therapy and how nursing school is impossible.... In reality, I think it has been pretty easy so far. We are in week 4, and most of what we are doing is review about Human development. I will say that 212, the Cultural Aspects of Nursing class is a handful, but again completely manageable! Please don't freak out after orientation, I promise it is not so bad. The instructors are really nice and helpful and we are all becoming fast friends. I am very busy, but I manage to get all the reading done, work on assignments and have a normal family life. I know some students are having a hard time with work and school, but others are handling it fine. You will all do great, enjoy your next 4 months and Good luck!!!

Hi Lauraa,

Thank you so much for your reply and for your advices! It is great hearing from the Fall class. I am very excited about starting in Spring.

Could you tell me if the Tuesday and Wednesday 8 - 5 classes are clinicals? Are they at a hospital or in the classroom?

Thank you!!

We have lab on one of either Tues or Wed from 8-1 and Clincal will begin in Oct on either Tues or Wed for 4 hours at varying times. Confusing/

my schedule is: Lab Tues 8-1 and Clinical 630 am to 11. Hope this helps you. Your times may be different, but probably the same amount of time spent in each area...

Thank you Laura! I am trying to figure out what my schedule will be and if I should work part time and how many hours I can afford to work.

I would like to know how many hours I will be spending in school, could you tell me your weekly schedule please? Thank you!

I go Monday 8-11

Tues 8-1

Wed clinical (could be 630-11 or 4-8)

Thurs 8-130


Thank you very much Laura :) Good-luck in school!

Hi Lauraa,

How are you? How is the first semester? :) I am looking forward to start.

I have a question that I would need your help with... Our orientation was changed from December to January. We were also told not to buy textbooks until we attend orientation. Would you know the reason for that? I am anxious to buy my textbooks to see what I will be studying during the first semester.

Thank you!


Hi Everyone,

Just checked back in and hope you are all doing well :) I too was wondering about textbooks. Did they change anything on your class? It would definitely be cheaper to order these ahead of time online, maybe just making sure they could be returned. Doesnt seem like they give you much time if orientation is 4/5 days before classes start...almost forces you to buy from the bookstore.

Another quick question on the this common to have to come in? I will be commuting and dont have daycare for Fridays since that is not on the schedule and was told that we dont have classes that day, plus I am supposed to work to make a little money on those days? Just wondering how often I am going to have to have backup plans for those Fridays :) Thanks I know you are busy so I really appreciate your many questions!

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