

I am starting my first assignment and the paperwork and tests have been overwhelming. A mess actually. The credentialist sent me to get titers a long with my drug screen. Ok, fine. My titers for Rubella comes back non-immune. So, she calls and tells me to go get this vaccination, at my own expense. I explain to her I was boostered only 5yrs ago. She insists I get the vaccine.

So, I get this vaccination at the request from non-medical personnel. I didn't do my homework in the rush of everything. So, after researching, a 3rd vaccine is not recommended. 2 documented doses supersede serum results. 3rd dose only in the event of outbreak. All CDC recommendations.

Not to mention prenatal issues. The vaccine is highly contraindicated in prenatal women. I'm not pregnant but was never questioned either, which kinda day blows my nursing mind.

Has this happened to anyone else and am I overreacting???

And I am not worried about my own adverse reactions just find it odd for non-medical personnel recommending unnecessary and contraindicated (to baby) vaccinations.

If you can document 2 doses of MMR, employee health should accept that no matter your titer results. The QA person at your agency should know that, but apparently does not. Unlikely she has any medical training and it would not occur to her to ask about pregnancy status. Stand strong. The agency has some rote requirements that no one there may understand. The important factor is what employee health at assignment hospital accepts, and they will understand these issues. It can be a pain to teach agencies about their own requirements.

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