Published Feb 3, 2015
3 Posts
Hi I have a few uni interviews coming up for admission into Child Nursing. Does anyone have any tips for the interview stage?
Siobhan :)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Hi, there! I assume you are not in the US since you are referring to university as 'uni.' I wrote a list of common nursing school interview questions and answers, although it is more geared toward students who hope to attend school in the US. The link to the questions is below. Good luck to you!
No I am in the UK although I do hope to one day be living in the US. Can you tell me if the qualifications are similar? Would I be expected to retrain if accepted to live and work in the US?
No I am in the UK although I do hope to one day be living in the US. Can you tell me if the qualifications are similar? Would I be expected to retrain if accepted to live and work in the US?Siobhan
Have just read your link you put on your first reply, it was very useful thank you. Our current tutors have warned us about some of the questions that may be asked and some were on your list so its definitely applicable to UK students too. I have heard that the US is very hard to get into now but for me its still worth a try after education and some years experience. I love the USA hopefully they will let me in one day :)
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
US nurses are generalist trained so you must show that your education included theory and clinical in adult med/surg, pediatrics, obstetrics/maternity, geriatrics and psych/mental health to be eligible for licensing in the US and take the NCLEX. It's similar to Canada. In the UK nurses are specialist trained in adult, child, ID, psych, or midwifery.