Tips for PP Moms and Urination

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Hello! I'm a new mother/baby nurse and am looking for any tips/tricks for helping PP moms (especially those who had an epidural) urinate after delivery. I had a mom tonight who tried and tried to pee but ended up having to be straight cathed. We tried the warm water in the spray bottle, running water, hand in water, frequent bathroom trips... everything I could think of. A few nurses suggested breaking an ammonia capsule into the hat, which helped a little, but not enough. :(So, what do you tell your moms to help them go? Thanks!

Specializes in Midwifery, Women's Health, PCP.

You can also try putting a wedge or stool under her feet so her knees are above her hips--this helps the sphincter muscles relax. Having her also rest her forearms on her thighs can enhance this.

In addition, I would think reminding a woman about doing her kegels soon after birth may help.

And this may sound weird, but check to see if the toilet seat feels cold--a cold seat can cause those muscles to contract.

I had a patient who could not pee unless she had warm water slightly dribbled on the coccyx. Not sure why, but it worked.

Specializes in Perioperative Patient Care Technician.

We bought a jumbo bottle of peppermint oil on Amazon and either put it in the hat or put it on a washcloth and have the patient put it up to her nose while she tries to pee.

Run trickling water in the sink.

Blow bubbles with a straw.

Queens tea (get some lemonade from the kitchen and mix in cream of tartar, which we also bought on Amazon)

Some people think mixing all the juices and 7-up makes them pee... I think that is just because they're drinking a pitcher of fluids lol

Pouring warm water over perineum.

Breathing through pursed lips.

Threatening them with a catheter (most effective).

Otherwise, if they can't pee, they can't pee.... Better to cath (and get good and doing caths so they are less painful) instead of bleed, etc.

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