Tips for getting an A in Eng. 101???


I took English 101 a few years ago when I was about half focused on school and I got a B. Now I am considering retaking Eng. 101 due to the fact that that's the only prereq. that I have a B in (the rest are A's) and the program I am trying to get into had over 600 applicants last semester for 110 spots. I talked to several of the Eng. 101 instructors for Spring 2004 and they all pretty much said that just a few people make A's in Eng. 101 in their classes. All but I teacher said that....and the only teacher that didn't say that said about 1/3 of her students get an A in Eng. 101 but it's an online course and I have never taken an online course. I really need to get an A..I feel it may be the difference in me getting in the ADN program and not getting in but I am feeling discouraged now. Anyone get an A in Eng. 101 and have tips on how I can pull an A off?



Amy, I was able to test out of English 100, but I did have to take Junior English and also Business writing and got A's in both of them. I am assuming that this is a writing based class? If so, just be really careful about how you write. Talk to your prof, use any suggestions/corrections they make, use MS Word or a similar program to do all your writing (it has a grammar checker which is a God-send) IN both of the classes I took, we didn't have any tests, our grade was based purely on our writing skills.

The business writing class I took, I did via email and I got an A. Again it was alot of writing, but I was able to type it all up so it wasn't so bad. The prof who was doing the email course was cool, he would send back any papers that needed tweaking, before he graded it.

Are you even able to retake the class since you have a B? the reason I ask is because at my school, you can't retake anything unless you have a C or lower. If your school is different then that is fabulous, especially since you have taken this class before. You will have a better idea of what to expect, any chance you still have your papers from the first class? You could possibly resubmit those with any corrections, I bet that would help your grade a lot. Good luck!


Hi Amy, I took 101 last semester and made an A in it. English has never been easy for me because it's my second language. I have never made A's in English growing up, so I made sure to pay extra attention to it last semester. I made sure that every time I handed in an essay that I would have it proofread at the writing center first. Also in 101, grammar and punctuation is 50% of the grade. I think with writing it's important to be able to visualize the paper as a whole so that you can orchestra the content better. Be clear about your topic sentence and lay down the guideline for your paper well in the first paragraph, then follow that guideline throughout your paper. Pay a little extra attention to the conclusion and tie the whole paper together well at the end. The important thing is to take a little extra time and have your paper proofread by someone qualified before handing it in. I'm in English II now and it's actually a lot easier then 101 because content is stressed more then puctuation. As you can probably already tell, once I get started typing, I can go on, and on,......and.............on:D Good luck in 101 if you decide to take it again. B.T.H

I took English 101 online last spring thru Dallas Telecollege and got an A. I have spoken with people who took the class on campus and the online version seems to be easier.

We had to write 5 essays and read some short stories and answer questions about them. We would submit a rough draft to the professor and he would make comments and send it back. You then had a chance to make corrections before sending it to the professor a second time for grading.

The professor was Kieron P. Finnegan. He is very picky about details. For example, he had a special way he wanted emails formatted and our essays had to have exactly the right number of paragraphs, etc. But if you follow his formula, you should be able to get an A.

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