Published Sep 19, 2005
328 Posts
I have been a RN for ten years and am finsishing by BSN in December and starting in an MSN/FNP program in January (fingers crossed). After getting all of this done, I will be more than ready to begin my new role. A friend of mine just graduated with her ANP/GNP and said that it would be at least six months before she took the exam, got the results, got a UPIN, and everything straightened out with the DEA. Is this the norm? What can I do to make sure it doesn't take this long?
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
It is goong to take some time, it is not as quick and fast as getting your RN license. You will be an Advanced Practice Nurse, and that has its own exclusive set of requirements. And then you have to get a certificate that permits you to prescribe medications, as well as narcotics. All take time..............sorry.
It also depends on the state that you are getting licensed in.............:)
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
Exactly correct. Some NP exams are only given at certain times of the year, too.