Published Jul 2, 2010
111 Posts
I am being renewed at a hospital that I love, which I'm psyched about. However, I'm a little bummed out because the other traveler had no problem getting a week in between contracts and my company says there is no way. I am to give the NM the date I would like to start the new contract and if she ok then I get the time off. If there is an issue, I'd have to either not go home for a week or not sign on for the next contract.
I really really need to go home- my dad is in a nursing home and I haven't seen him since late April. If I could avoid it I would- my marriage stinks and I don't want to get all stressed out but I need to have a few days off. What is the norm?
47 Posts
Of course you can request time off. You can request it between contracts of in the middle of the assignment.
632 Posts
The world is your oyster.
You hold all the cards. If you want a week or two off between contracts you ask for it. If they say no go somewhere else. Assignments are plentiful right now. You pick and choose.
I find it hard to believe your facility won't negotiate a week and keep you over hiring and orienting a new traveler. Your choice.
I say go home. Not worth the stress.
bagladyrn, RN
2,286 Posts
Another option to consider is to ask the schedule person at the facility to schedule your days off for two weeks at the beginning and end of a pay period so that you can have a stretch of up to 8 days off between (assuming 12 hr shifts).
You could even have this as a condition of taking the new contract.
I just did this at my last contract at a facility at which I had contracted before and who already wanted me to come there.