Thursday April 18 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars it must be nice having a day where you can get other stuff done

Dianah hope you did get more sleep last night

NJ22 we had a blooming magnolia at our family house, as far as I know it still blooms

Tweety that does seems petty of her, or at least odd that she didn't give you a new one

Work was good yesterday, not too busy but not super slow either.  After work did the grocery shopping and stopped at the library.  Then went to try and find another pickleball game.  But then I reflected, the games I did play a week or so ago I didn't enjoy, and probably wouldn't enjoy even in a less competitive environment.  So I think I'm done with pickleball.  I'm not really a sports person anyway, so I'm not sure why I chose to pursue this to begin with

Today will have counseling during lunch, but otherwise should be a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary

Will be a cooler today today, only up to the lower 50s

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

I can't even recall what I did yesterday; I feel like I didn't do much of anything, and I feel even more like not doing anything today! By now I have created double the mess and it is hanging over my head like a dark cloud. Suffocating! 

I have to fold stuff from the dryer, dry stuff from the washer, empty all the trash and take the bin out to the end of the driveway; I also need to hang up and put all my clean clothes away. I have to make the beds and see if Nannie's is wet (the clothes she was wearing were wet) I have yet to further attack the mess in my 'old' room AND in my 'new' room, and the main bedroom, and the formal living room, AND the dining room. 

I would say I'm rather depressed by the sheer scope of everything! I know I can't do it all at once, but I can't make myself even pick a starting point. Discouraged, resentful about a LOT of things, tired as all get out. What a wonderful day.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Okay, got up and started in by emptying all the wastebaskets, put away and hung up all of Nannie's clothes that were out draped here and there from her "midnight prowling". Her sheets are damp, but not wet-wet, so I peeled them back and turned on the ceiling fan. Went up to the kitchen and scarfed down some slices of roast beef....(needed protein to OOOMPH my energy level up.) and then, upstairs I gathered all those wastebaskets to dump out. Discovered when I went to make my bed, that the little 4-legged canine creature had peed on my comforter, so I started the washer with that. Then I decided my change-jar, being so full and heavy, needed to have the coins sorted into piles so I can put them in the sleeves to turn in for green $ at the bank (tomorrow). Then Momo had to come upstairs and she whined and squealed that she wanted to play with her "baby", so I did that with one hand while I continued to sort coins on my bed with the other hand. She kept wanting to put her baby ON the piles of coins, threatening to UNsort them. So, we are back down in the den for now. I brushed her for 6 minutes without stopping, and now she has quieted down. Nannie is still conked out. I have dishes, etc. in the sink, soaking in hot soapy water. The fun never ends.

Maybe in a minute or two I can go back upstairs (after the comforter is ready to go into the dryer), and put away and hang up all MY clean clothes.

I also have to search around for a mousetrap, as there is evidence of a mouse raiding the kitchen snack shelf, as in nibbled open packages and sampled treats, which had to be tossed out. Apparently it didn't think too much of the Little Debbie's cakes Nannie is so fond of, as 4 of the packages were chewed open and only small bites were taken from each.....and, of course, the evidence of little mousy-poops is a sure indication of a little rodent food thief.

Sometimes it seems all I do is take care of pee's and poop's, but, well 🤔 after all, I AM a plumber's daughter, and a nurse, so I guess that's why I attract it. 🤨 That and the indisputable fact that 'it' all rolls down hill and I am standing at the bottom of that hill.

Up and away Junior Birdmen..............

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

Hello all!

Thanks for sending good thoughts re: my sleep.  I did sleep better last night!

No Stars, I wonder if The Budget would allow for a housekeeper, say, once a week?  To come in and just help with THAT stuff.  Otherwise, you are doing full-time care-giving, house cleaning, laundry, trash detail, food preparation, -- did I miss anything?  Oh, errands!  

I made a trip to the grocery store.  I have started a keto program, in an attempt to lose some weight.  So, no more carbs!  Meals require a little more thought as to groceries that I will need, and then a little more prep time.  I have some of the tomato soup on the stove right now, for dh.  I will fix my meal as it gets closer to time to eat.  I did well on South Beach many years ago, then after my surgery I delved into carbs again (love bread and butter, for one thing!).  I ordered some keto, low-carb bread, so my mind doesn't feel deprived.  😉 

Have a good evening!

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