Published Jan 28, 2005
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
Do you ever get threatened by a parent? Say for instance, if you send their child home with head lice ? I have some students who continue to have multiple occurances of HL and when I make the parents come pick them up, I get the 3rd degree from parents. At times, it makes me worried that they might do physical harm to me....Am I alone on this or do you all see this?
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
again not a nurse yet but worked in a similar capacity as a school health assistant under the direction of a nurse who was in the building once a week and for emergency issues. I had a dad threaten me over the phone after calling again about his 4 kids having headlice. (so bad you could see bugs crawling on them from a few feet away!) Anyhow i reported his words to the principal and alerted school security to the possibility of an incident occurring. Nothing happened because he never came to get his kids. (yep he let them sit there feeling unwanted for the whole day! :angryfire I also had a guy call the District office and threaten to "blow the place up" over immunization exclusion day. (his kids had 3 months to get immunized or documentation of an objection, and the family didn't do it despite multiple phone calls and letters and options for free immunizations.) Nothing ever actually happened in my 3 years at schools that i worked at. One lady did come in with a very confrontational attitude in my face over an incident she felt she should have been called about regarding her daughter. I had no knowledge of the incident because her daughter never came to the nurses office, I explained this to her calmly and asked what i could do now to help her and she apologized and calmed down. parents are weird people sometimes, and I should know because i am one! :rotfl: , Anyway just alert others in charge of the building if you think a potential incident could occur, that's what my nurse always told me to do. Anyways school nurses have a tough job, but it is what made me decide to go to college and major in nursing! :)