Published Mar 26, 2008
16 Posts
ok...those of your who have read my posts the past couple of days know I am trying to decide if I should take a position in a large LD unit in a new hospital...I currently have a PP, AP and NICU position which I like but I always was drawn to LD (when I transfer a AP patient going into labor, I always want to stay to see the outcome
so this is what I just thought of doing
would going in for a day or two and following one of the nurses around to see how everything is be odd looking to the staff?
once again...thanks
564 Posts
Well I am not L&D, but I think it would be smart to do. If a nurse came to check out the ICU I work in to see if were a good fit...I would be impressed! Good Luck with your decision.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
Contact the nurse manager and ask if she will arrange for you to "shadow" a nurse for a shift. It is a good idea from both perspectives. You will see what the unit, staff, and patient care is really like, and may avoid changing jobs, only to regret it later, which raises problems for both you and the unit.
Good luck!
60 Posts
I think it is an excellent idea, any nurse manager should appreciate the idea, I personally shadowed a nurse at a plastic surgery center for a day and decided that it was not my cup of tea. good luck.
69 Posts
Excellent idea! I did this when I was offered a position in an OB GYN office. I am so thankful that I did this. Although this was my own personal physician and I loved her and the way she practices, the office setting was not for me. For me, I was under stimulated (no offense to anyone). I thought I would love the hours and all that, but the day drug on and I wanted more to do. SO, I think if the manager would agree (and she most certainly should, this is a perfect opportunity to get a taste for the floor and your future co workers! Go for it!
so I sent her an email and she agrees. I can go spend two evenings on the unit whenever I want (I'll be working evenings so I'll get aquainted with my team).
I'm sooo nervous now!
Congratulations early I hope you love it Good luck:wink2: