They are trying to send ME home!

Specialties School


I am getting over a head cold, but I happen to still be coughing on and off. I've had FOUR different teachers pop their heads in and ask if I was going home. And one tattled to my principal who came to talk to me and ended our conversation with "Remember you have unlimited sick days"...

Also, it must have gone around that I'm feeling under the weather, because instead of the 50+ I usually have by now, I've seen less than 20...which has NEVER happened before today.

I've NEVER taken off for a cold before, growing up or professionally, but I am new to the world of this something that's normal to take off for in a school setting? or are my teachers just hypochondriacs?

:sarcastic: Not to make any of my friends on here jealous or anything...but I get 10 sick days and 2 personal days a year (any leftovers accumulate). Thursday, I am using a personal day to go to the state high school basketball tournament. (I will miss the lively and informative conversations with you all, and most importanly, I plan to eat as much popcorn as I can for you all.) :yes:

I am similar. I think I get 12 sick and 2 personal. When I worked in the private sector (52 weeks a year) I think I got 6 sick days- it's crazy.

You can accumulate enough sick days to take your last year off "sick" when you retire.

Me too!

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