Hello all! :)
I am a twenty-three year old second degree-student who will be contacted sometime this week regarding whether or not I will be accepted into my college's BSN program (which, by the way, starts the end of this month). I have nice grades (A in Human Development, A- in Organic/Biochemistry, and an A in Anatomy) and an okay cumulative GPA (3.80). I know I have an excellent shot of getting into my college's program, but like the title says I am stressing myself so bad. Acceptance is based on prerequisite grades, though preference is given to first-degree students. According to the application form, some spots are saved for second-degree and transfer students.
So, here is my question: how do you all stop yourselves from going insane? I have a part-time job, so that helps, but I find my mind wandering all the time.
Thanks in advance!