The perfect bag


I have a bag I used for home health visits for years but with times changing as they are, I need to upgrade. I'll now be hauling around a laptop and work phone in addition to my nursey things, so rather than a home health bag and a laptop briefcase I'd love to just have one. I need room for some files and a planner or something too, I'm sure. Anyone have a bag they love?

Specializes in Critical Care, Home Health.

Nurses Bags & Totes

I am seriously considering forking over the money for this bag. I work in home health and go through several company provided bags per year. This one looks well worth the money.

Organizing Utility Tote in Citrus Medallion | Thirty-One Gifts

THIS is the perfect bag. I have gone through several and this one is a keeper. You can find them cheaper on ebay btw. If anyone is interested in seeing how I actually use it for nursing gear I can try to figure out how to post a picture.

Organizing Utility Tote in Citrus Medallion | Thirty-One Gifts THIS is the perfect bag. I have gone through several and this one is a keeper. You can find them cheaper on ebay btw. If anyone is interested in seeing how I actually use it for nursing gear I can try to figure out how to post a picture.

Yes to the pictures! :)

I also use a organizing tote by Thirty-One and it works perfect. The Cindy Tote by Thirty-One is perfect for binders filled with 485s, education, etc. :)

Specializes in ER, Forensic Nurse, SANE.

I have the hopkins bag but find that putting my computer in the bag or any bag, makes it too heavy. I just carry my laptop by it's self, like a book. Just a thought. Take care of your Back.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

I also don't put my laptop in the bag but carry it in it's own protective cover

I prefer to let my employer purchase the bag they believe will meet the requirements of the job. If I find something unsatisfactory about their choice I let them know what the deficiency is and why it is a problem.

Specializes in Home Health.

The organizing utility tote by ThirtyOne doesn't close on top. I do not believe that it would pass a CHAP survey, if your agency is CHAP accredited.

Specializes in RN.
On 2/28/2014 at 5:40 PM, jab42483 said:

Nurses Bags & Totes

I am seriously considering forking over the money for this bag. I work in home health and go through several company provided bags per year. This one looks well worth the money.

Do you mind to email this bag. the link doesnt seem to be working. Have you ordered one yet?  My email is [email protected]

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