The Letter

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


It was one of "those" days.

Hello. I am your local barista suffering through a shift at a mall store. I have whipped cream on my freshly washed cardigan and sharpie on my brand new khakis. My smile is starting to strain and I have recently burned my hands (again). Finally, my only break for the day is upon me.

I grab a grande iced Americano and head to a nearby table. Sitting feels SO good. I massage my heels and inspect my newest blister. I decide to check my phone. I have a text message from an irate classmate full of expletives. She didn't get in. I panic and call my husband and shriek that he needs to go get the mail.


I don't care if he dies in his video game. I don't.

I immediately start to cry. Again, it's been one of "those" days and I'm not sure if I can handle rejection right now. I start nervously fidgeting and remind myself that I have had straight A's since I came back to school. I did exceptionally well on my TEAS test. I have great recommendations and a good essay. I hear him going down the stairs. WALK FASTER!

He says there is a letter from the local institute of nursing and it's thick. I'm choked up. I tell him to read it to me.

"NO! Just read it. Tell me yes or no."

I pick at a hangnail.

"You got in."

Every single customer for the rest of the day was notified.

I am starting my ADN in the fall. I never thought this day would come! Though I have a B.A., it is not in my preferred field. When I was 18, I wasn't confident or ready to take on nursing. I didn't feel that I was good enough! I am older now and know I can do just about anything if I work hard. My goal is oncology nursing. My mother survived cancer THREE TIMES (different cancers) and her nurses saved her life. It's always the nurses. They just opened a big cancer centre down the road too. I take it as a sign.

For all of you waiting, your day will come. You can and will do this. You are a smart and beautiful person and you'll change lives. You are a rock star and don't forget it. Ever.

Hahahaha, this is great! Congratulations! :)

Congrats. A great story and become a writer on the side. You did a great job narrating that! :)

Hah! Thanks! My aunt is a fantastic but I am not sure I have her talent. I want to blog every day of nursing school though.

Hah! Thanks! My aunt is a fantastic but I am not sure I have her talent. I want to blog every day of nursing school though.

You should. You have very good potential :)

It was one of "those" days.

Hello. I am your local barista suffering through a shift at a mall store. I have whipped cream on my freshly washed cardigan and sharpie on my brand new khakis. My smile is starting to strain and I have recently burned my hands (again). Finally, my only break for the day is upon me.

I grab a grande iced Americano and head to a nearby table. Sitting feels SO good. I massage my heels and inspect my newest blister. I decide to check my phone. I have a text message from an irate classmate full of expletives. She didn't get in. I panic and call my husband and shriek that he needs to go get the mail.


I don't care if he dies in his video game. I don't.

I immediately start to cry. Again, it's been one of "those" days and I'm not sure if I can handle rejection right now. I start nervously fidgeting and remind myself that I have had straight A's since I came back to school. I did exceptionally well on my TEAS test. I have great recommendations and a good essay. I hear him going down the stairs. WALK FASTER!

He says there is a letter from the local institute of nursing and it's thick. I'm choked up. I tell him to read it to me.

"NO! Just read it. Tell me yes or no."

I pick at a hangnail.

"You got in."

Every single customer for the rest of the day was notified.

I love this. It was so interesting to read your activities and thoughts before getting a "Yes" letter.

I can imagine what you would have felt like if it were to be a No.

It was dramatic, fun, and interesting.


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