Published Dec 24, 2020
6 Posts
I have submitted my fingerprints to the Texas BON on 11/11. On December 3rd, I called and they stated there was a discrepancy on my background. Which I knew would happen. I was told to wait on an outcome letter to do anything. I called again...Yes I am annoying LOL... and they stated on 12/14, my case has been closed and there is no further action to take. On 12/23, a clearance (approval) letter was generated and mailed to my address. I wanted to know does it really take the full 10 business days for a letter to be mailed? As I have a deadline to input my clearance letter to start my Nursing Core in January. Thank you !
5 Posts
Same situation I was in. I submitted fingerprints on 11/13. I called BON and was told from dec. 4- Jan. 4 I would be receiving my orders. They sent an approval letter that was generated on dec. 23 which I received on dec 31. Just shy of 10 days
That’s crazyyy! ? my letter was generated 12/23. On 12/29 I asked if they could email it to me. They did. On 12/31 I received the letter in the mail. Wow! Congratulations to US.???
9 Posts
Hey everyone. Do you get a outcome letter requesting a declaratory after the initial review or did you just get a “you are good to go”? I know this may be too personal to ask, what did you have on your background check? I have a theft charge from 2010 that wasn’t a conviction, it was dismissed/disposed. I was told they are reviewing my case as of 4/6 and to wait on an outcome letter on what to do. My school starts 5/17 ? I’m hoping I don’t need to send in the DO cus I heard that takes a long time
Savannah Mims
1 Post
I received an outcome letter after my initial review. It took about 2 weeks after being told I had a discrepancy on my bg check to hear anything. They told me my case was closed. I had the same thing on mine. It was theft under/equal to $50. It was dismissed with me completing 6 months probation. In a couple of weeks ask if they can email it to you once you get it. FYI I went through hell and hot water to get them to do it. I kept getting the run around. Until this one nice lady did it for me. Tell them you have to meet your deadline to get into the program. Hope this helps
I was thinking I would have to do a DO due to the fact I had no idea about how the process worked and what I found through research led me to all things DO related. I have charges dating back to 2008, a criminal damage charge and two others, but they sent an approval letter. After the fact I found out that the BON takes into consideration the charge, the date of the charges and whether or not you’re rehabilitated- LOL- meaning not a repeat offender. I think you may be okay.
Thank you so much for your responses ladies! I feel a lil better now. Hopefully I get good news soon!
Keep us updated!
Called again and some lady told me it would take 30 business days from when they started reviewing it to get an outcome letter. Hoping it’s earlier than that because that is passed my deadline ? and hope it’s a clearance letter! ??????
11 Posts
I just paid a declaratory order of $150. My bg has a breach of peace in 2012. Then misdemeanors back in 2002-2004, before I was 22 years old, none are repeats. Will I get an approval from the Enforcement? so the BON allow me to get my ATT #? ??
What was your story? Thank you!!!!
I would call the BON and see if someone can answer that for you. Are you trying to get into a nursing program? Cause if they already let you into the program, they would have already done the background check and then you would just apply to test. If you just applied to get into a program, I believe you need to wait and get the DO outcome back and see what decision they made. I never had to do a DO, they sent me a letter of approval.
2 Posts
The BON received my fingerprints and said on 11/3 it was put into review. Someone told me I would have to wait 30 BUSINESS days for them to close the account and make a decision and that I have to consider holidays. Does anyone know if it’s going to take the full 30 days? My deadline is approaching quickly.