Testing out of LPN course

Nursing Students Online Learning


Hi, I am the CMA for 20 years looking for online LPN or RN courses. I was also wondering if it is possible for me to just take the LPN boards without taking the actual course, then I could continue to my RN on line.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I could be in error, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe you can test the NCLEX-PN without first graduating from an accredited PN program.

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

As a CMA you have been trained for the clinic only. LPN's are trained for the hospital. The scope of practice between the two is very different. I say this because I was a CMA that went through the LPN program. For the most part they are completely different. Before you can take the nclex you have to graduate from an approved program from the state that you reside in. Just my MHO but you should do the LPN program, I am glad that I did.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate the input from someone who was a CMA.

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

No problem! As a CMA you are limited to the clinic. By going for you LPN many more doors will open up for you. I know this may sound terrible, but hopefully not, I am happy to finally be able to call myself a "Nurse".

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